Sunday, October 20, 2019
Know Your Eschatology
Know Your Eschatology Know Your Eschatology Know Your Eschatology By Maeve Maddox Political discussion these days often slips into the area of religion, particularly a belief in something called the Rapture. This might be a good time to look at some Christian theological terms and their definitions. eschatology [Ä•skÉ™-tÃ… lÉ™-jÄ“] 1844, from Gk. eskhatos last, furthest, remote. As a theological term it means the study of last things, i.e. death, judgment, heaven, and hell. parousia [prÃ… «-sÄ“É™, pÉ™-rÃ… «zÄ“-É™] -A Greek term that means arrival or coming. It is usually used to mean the Second Coming of Christ. Millennium [mÉ™-lÄ•nÄ“-É™m] from L. mille thousand + annus year, hence a period of 1,000 years. In Christian theology it denotes a period of 1,000 years during which Christ rules on Earth, a golden age, a time of universal peace. Amillennialism The a is a negative. This is the teaching that there is no literal 1,000 year reign of Christ as referenced in Revelation 20. Instead, it teaches that we are in the Millennium now. At the end of this millennium Christ will return. The final judgment will take place and the heavens and the earth will then be destroyed and remade. Antichrist a figure who opposes God. The word is used to describe a spirit of rebellion against God. Taken literally it refers to a specific future person who actively opposes Christ. He is able to perform miracles. Some believe he will be an incarnation of Satan. Christ will defeat him in a final battle. Armageddon [rmÉ™-gÄ•dn] the battle in which Christ destroys Satan, hence any complete disaster resulting in the end of the world. Tribulation a seven-year interval when a world religious-political leader called the Antichrist takes power. Rapture from Medieval Latin raptura, seizure, rape, kidnapping from Latin raptus a carrying off. An eschatological event in which true Christians are caught up in the air to meet the returning Christ. NOTE: There is disagreement as to whether the Rapture will take place before, after, or during the Tribulation. Historical Premillennialism a belief held by a large percentage of Christians during the first three centuries of Christianity. It is the belief that the Antichrist appears on earth and sets off the seven-year Tribulation. At the end of the seven years Christ comes, the saved are raptured, and his Church rules the Earth for a Millennium. During this thousand years of peace the faithful live in Jerusalem, occupying spiritual bodies. After this period, all people are judged. The faithful will spend eternity on a new earth, not in heaven. NOTE: After Christianity became the official religion of Rome in the fourth century CE, this belief was declared a heresy and suppressed. The belief reappeared in the 19th century and, with several variations, has again become widespread. Post-millennialism [pÃ… stmÉ™-lÄ•nÄ“-É™-lÄ zÉ™m] the belief that Jesus established the Kingdom of God in the first century and that we are already in the Millennium (not an exact 1,000 years, but a very long time). The Second Coming will occur after (post) this current Millennium. Pre-millennialism [prÄ“mÄ -lÄ•nÄ“-É™-lÄ zÉ™m] (1844) the belief that the Millennium lies in the future. Christ will come, bind Satan and his helpers, and rule over a peaceful earth for 1,000 years. At the end of that time Christ will release Satan and his angels who will raise an army which Jesus will destroy in the Battle of Armageddon. The Last Judgment will occur and a new heaven and new earth created. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowComma Before But12 Misunderstood and Misquoted Shakespearean Expressions
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