Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay on Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas Frederick Douglas, a slave born in Tuckahoe Maryland, was half white and half black. His mother was a black woman and his father a white man. Though he never knew his father, there was word that it was his master. Douglas wrote this narrative and I felt that it was very compelling. It really showed me the trials and tribulations that a black man went through during times of slavery. In his early years, Douglas lived on a farm where he watched many slaves receive harsh beatings and whippings. For example, one of his masters whipped his Aunt Hester because she was not there when he desired her presence. At the time she was in the company of another man, which was something that Colonel†¦show more content†¦Hopkins, and Mr. Austin Gore were all cruel overseers. An exception to this was Mr. Hopkins, who was not a typical overseer. Unlike the others, he did not curse a lot, and bent the rules every now and then. â€Å"He was called by the slaves a good overseer†(p. 7). The typical overseer would have beat a slave the second he stepped out of line. For example, Mr. Gore, who took Mr. Hopkins place was very cruel and would not take any sort of talking back. He would not communicate with any of the slaves except for giving orders and beating them. â€Å"He was, in a word, a man of the most inflexible firmness and stone-like coolness†(p. 13). There were also those white people who encouraged black people to escape, and them catch them to receive rewards. Slaves could not catch any breaks. On the other hand, there were some good whites. Douglas wanted to learn how to read, so he made friends with some little white boys on the street. Douglas spoke of running errands, and stopping in with the white children to learn to read in his spare time. As a symbol of his gratitude, Douglas would give the children bread to eat. They, in fact, had a discussion about slavery at one point. He told the children, â€Å"You’ll be free as soon as you’re twenty-one, but I’m a slave for life! Have I not as good a right to be free as you have?†(p. 22). He recalled that this troubled them, but they still showed much sympathy towards him. The presence of sympathetic white people gave himShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas757 Words  | 4 PagesAn Analysis of the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas In the autobiography Frederick Douglass presents a clear picture to me of a horrifying period of American history that far too few people understand. Douglass’s personal narrative as a slave lets you feel the fear of his past and allows us to experience the suffering and pain inflicted by underserved beatings and an unhealthy lifestyle with too much physical exertion. Douglass expresses very personal feelings about his history andRead MoreFrederick Douglass s Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas1674 Words  | 7 Pagespopular in the southern states, among these slaves, one slave in particular impacted the 19th century was Frederick Douglass. Although he was a slave for most of his life, Douglass eventually became a freeman, a social reform, writer, and an abolitionist for slavery. However, before he became a freeman, Douglass experienced a brutal life as a slave. He faced dehumanization in his early life, but accomplished what most slaves we not allowed to do; which is getting educated, by self-educating himselfRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave1280 Words  | 6 Pagesventure as far as saying that America never owned ANY slaves. However, historical evidence proves them wrong. Frederick Douglas was a slave during the 1800’s who ultimately escaped and became an Abolitionist and activist for equality for all people, no matter their race or gender. In his autobiography, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave, Douglas describes his life as a slave and the horrific acts he endured. America, a Concise History, by James Henretta, devotes a whole chapterRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas An American Slave1450 Words  | 6 PagesThe book Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas an American slave, is showing a highway map, displaying the road to how the slavery went to freedom. Douglas at the opening of the book was a slave in both his body and mind. Then at the end good things happened to him, he gets legal freedom and frees his mind. The events in the book are good points in Frederick’s life, in the book it explains how he get there, and what he had to do and learn along the road. Where it first starts is Douglas realizesRead MoreThe Life Of Frederick Douglas s Narrative Of The Life Of A Slave Girl1378 Words  | 6 PagesDouglass’s narratives as they depict the human relationships between races through their description of the dehumanizing body of slavery. In the novel, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, set from early to middle 1800s in southern states, Frederick Douglas highlights the brutal aspects of slavery as he transitions into adulthood and seeks to obtain freedom, something that serves as a source of inspiration for former slaves. Similarly in the slave narrative, Incidents in the Life of a SlaveRead More The Use of Chiasmus to Highlight the Irony of Slavery in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas1515 Words  | 7 PagesThe Use of Chiasmus to Highlight the Irony of Slavery in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass According to Barton and Hudsons Contemporary Guide to Literary Terms, a chiasmus is a rhetorical scheme that is particularly effective in creating irony through the reversal of accepted truths or familiar ideas (189). Frederick Douglass uses the chiasmus throughout his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave to highlight the irony of slaverys existence in a countryRead MoreAn Autobiography of What He Went Through as a Slave in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas1073 Words  | 5 PagesThe Narrative Perspective of Frederick Douglass The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is an autobiography written by Frederick Douglass himself. No one knows the hardships and difficult times that Frederick Douglass went through as a slave, better than himself. That is why Frederick Douglass is considered to be, in my opinion, is the most reliable author when it comes to telling the story of his life as a slave. Frederick Douglass was born in Talbot County, Maryland around the year 1817Read MoreA Slave’S Awakening . . . Yifan Lin. . . . History 1301.1085 Words  | 5 Pages History 1301 Nicholas Cox May 4th ,2017 Fredrick Douglas, a black slave, wrote the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave. The autobiography not only reveals the cruel nature of slavery but also discusses the issue of how slavery was maintained for such long time. Douglas enlightened us about the idea of that: knowledge is power, knowledge changes fate, and â€Å"it is the only access to freedom†. Frederick Douglas from (1817-1895), was one of the most prominent black leadersRead MoreJacobs Douglass: An Insight Into The Experience of The American Slave1019 Words  | 5 PagesThe slave narratives of the ante-bellum time period have come across numerous types of themes. Much of the work concentrates on the underlining ideas beneath the stories. In the narratives, fugitives and ex-slaves appealed to the humanity they shared with their readers during these times, men being lynched and marked all over and women being the subject of grueling rapes. The slave narrative of Frederick Douglas and Harriet Jacobs: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl themes come from the existenceRead MoreThe View from the Bottom Rail Essay703 Words  | 3 Pages The View from the Bottom Rail  In today’s society, racism and stereotyping occur in every aspect of life. No one should ever take anything for face value before they examine it first. In reading the narrative, â€Å"The View from the Bottom Rail†by James Davidson and Mark Lytle and â€Å"Frederick Douglasss Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas†by Harold Bloom. I became very aware on how American history can be looked at as one sided or bias. Even in today’s society, there
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Life of Nicholas Tesla - 986 Words
Nikola Tesla (Nicholas Tesla) was not only an inventor; he was an engineer, physicist, visionary, and most known for, brilliant. Tesla was born July 10th 1856, in Smilijan, Austrian Empire, which is now modern day Croatia and moved to the United States in 1884 to continue his career in engineering. Tesla’s parents were both Serbian, his father was an Orthodox priest, writer and poet, while his mother was a creative and had the talent to construct things, especially her electronic every day household items. His father wanted him to become a priest but Tesla followed the mind set and footsteps of his mother and went above and beyond with his skills and knowledge. Like normal high school students, Tesla studied mathematics and physics at the University of Prague. What made Tesla stand out from other students was his incredible mind and memory. He supposedly had an eidetic memory (photographic memory), where he would have the ability to recall problems and text with ease, like reading a book and replaying a scene through the mind. Not only was his memory extraordinary, he contained the ability to perform calculus integration in his head, as well as learning eight different languages. Tesla’s brain contained abilities out of this world that modern day technology cannot replicate. The ideas and creations visualized in his head, stayed in his head; he formed its mechanics and mathematical specifications without the use of a pencil and paper. One of the creations pulled off byShow MoreRelatedInventions of Nikola Tesla Essay1374 Words  | 6 PagesThomas Edison. However, the real mind behind modern electricity was Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla is most commonly known as the inventor of the AC current, or the electricity that is found when you plug something into a wall socket. Undoubtedly, he was a revolutionary thinker during the 1870s. He opposed the old and imagined the new, battling with Edison in â€Å"The Current Wars†and filing for hundreds of patents. Nikola Tesla was a man of many inventions inventing a practical use for AC current, imaginingRead MoreDevelopment Of Vehicles And Its Impact On The Human Civilization1647 Words  | 7 Pageswas damaged when it was experimented on the way. In 1801, the British engineer Richard. Trevor s invented a steam engine which is able to take eight people and the speed is 9.6 kilometres per hour.Unfortunately, it was damaged by boiler burning. Nicholas Otto (1832-1891) successfully trial-produced the first practical piston four-stroke internal combustion engines, this is a single cylinder horizontal gas engine with the power of 2.9 kW. In 1885, the father of world car Karl Benz built the firstRead MoreThe Automotive Industry Is Electric Vehicles ( Evs ) Essay2154 W ords  | 9 Pagesaverage, more than 10,000 dollars over a five-year period, when compared to gas vehicles. Reduced operating costs come from home charging, or lower energy costs, reduced maintenance expenses, and an increase in operating efficiency (Chu, 2015). Industry Life Cycle As with all industries, the automotive industry goes through different stages of growth. The different stages are dependent on demand, technology, and knowledge diffusion (Harrison St. John, 2014). In 2014, EV sales had increased to almostRead MoreTesla Motors9501 Words  | 39 PagesSt. John’s University Graduate Student Managed Investment Fund Presents: Tesla Motors, Inc.: TSLA Analysts: Rutvig Bhatt (rutvig@gmail.com) Yanchen Liu (yanchen.liu12@stjohns.edu) Gaoting Liu (liugaoting@gmail.com) Kevin Shanker (kevin.shanker05@stjohns.edu) Share Data: Fundamentals: Price 5/7/14: $201.35 GAAP EPS (FY Dec’13): -0.62 Market Cap: $24.80B E[EPS2015]: 1.83 52 Week Range: $63.69 – $265.00 Beta: 1.10 1 Contents 1. Executive Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 Read MoreAnalysis Of Michael Porter s Value Migration, And W. Chan Kim And Renee Mauborgne s Blue Ocean Strategy1813 Words  | 8 Pages Unit 1- Individual Project Nicholas Dunlap Colorado Technical University There are a number of well know strategic planning models. Of these, I will explain in some detail three. Michael Porter’s Five Forces, Adrian Slywotzky’s Value Migration, and W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne’s Blue Ocean Strategy. The first, Michael Porter’s Five Forces, is based on Harvard Business School’s professor Michael Porter’s research, originally developed in 1979, which states that businessRead MoreElectrical Engineering1945 Words  | 8 Pages Through the success of the telephone, Bell Telephone Company was established. In 1878, the light bulb was finally invented by Thomas Edison who lived from 1847 to 1931 (749). Off the principles of Faraday#8217;s electric motor from 1821, Nicholas Tesla invented a more efficient and powerful electric motor in 1888 (749). To make these inventions be more significant, effort was expended to make better motors and transformers and to enhance the power needed to make them function. Through these
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Labour Markets, Wages and Industrial Relations Free Essays
Telecommuting is going to change the landscape of labour for years to come. As a matter of fact, the very notion of a job is going to change. A job will be something one takes home to do in the intervals between football matches and household duties, not an activity that reshapes one’s day. We will write a custom essay sample on Labour Markets, Wages and Industrial Relations or any similar topic only for you Order Now Such changes will trigger changes in other aspects of work. Thus, trade union participation and union power will most probably be reduced. A great part of this influence is based in personal interaction. It is much easier to recruit a person to become a member of the union through direct personal contact than through means such as e-mail. Trade union leaders will turn into virtual figures rather than living beings in flesh and blood, and people will feel less affiliated with the union. Besides, as the authors point out, there are reasons to expect an inflow of workers into labour who have never or seldom had employment before, including single mothers or disabled people. Those may feel isolated from the rest of the workforce and have had no experience with unions. As a result, they will be less willing to participate in union activities and bargain with their employer. Besides, more developing nations will be included in the workforce, and it is more difficult to recruit people there in the union as they live in remote places and as well have little experience with unions. However, trade unions will not go away because of telecommuting. There are factors that even call for an increase in their power. For instance, it will become easier to change jobs since it will not involve looking for a job in exactly the same area and workers will probably not have to go to interviews in person. Rather, they may be able to do some kind of audio- or video-interview via Internet. As a result, employees will have more possibility to defend their rights through trade unions as they will not fear loss of job. Communication with trade union leaders will take place through the same interactive means as communication with supervisors – e-mail, telephone, and videoconferencing. Telecommuting will probably to some extent remove the difference between house prices between capital cities and regions. At the moment, housing is pricey in larger cities since there a lot of people willing to move there because higher salary levels. Those people coming from the regions are prepared to pay a premium on house price as compared to the regions because they know the house price will be offset by gains in wages. As a result, they drive demand up even at higher prices. If differences salary levels are reduced, a probable result of telecommuting, more people will prefer to stay in the regions, and housing there will rise in value against capital cities. This does not mean that housing will cost the same throughout the nation. First, not all jobs will be affected by telecommuting. It will take time before the pay for manual jobs such labourers, nurses, etc., will get to about the same level throughout the country. People in those jobs will then still be attracted to larger cities. Second, there are other factors than salary levels that affect housing prices. For instance, in the same city where one can get the same salary living in a nice or unattractive neighbourhood, housing prices will vary from one district to another. The reason for these variations is the difference in infrastructure, ecological atmosphere (as, for example, when the house faces a busy road or something of the kind), and opportunities for entertainment. Surely in larger cities one can have a much more interesting and varied life thanks to the availability of many cultural establishments, and regions will not soon overcome this difference. That is why people may still be attracted to living in the capital even if wages arrive at about the same level. Besides, formerly the attraction of the remote areas was their cheap prices for everything other than housing, such as food, entertainment, services, etc. A rise in wages will probably change that, making prices go up. In conclusion, housing prices will go up in regions as compared to the province as a result of dwindling difference in wages. However, prices in capital or larger cities will still remain higher. Bibliography Sloman, John Mark Sutcliffe. Economics for Business.  How to cite Labour Markets, Wages and Industrial Relations, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The History Of Myths Essay Research Paper free essay sample
The History Of Myths Essay, Research Paper Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narrativ es about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. 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BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narr atives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths ar e, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to truly old cats. BAck in the # 8220 ; old school # 8221 ; universe of myths people made up narratives about fellows making stuff.Myths are, like, truly old and they day of the month back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to r eally old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to re ally old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to rea lly old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to real ly old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to reall y old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really o ld guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really old guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.Myths are, like, really old and they date back to really ol d guys. BAck in the â€Å"old school†world of myths people made up stories about dudes doing stuff.
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