Monday, September 30, 2019
Grade Thinking
Thinking as a Hobby In â€Å"Thinking as a Hobby†, William believes that most people are grade three thinkers. Grade three thinkers tend to feel, and not to think. Golding gives an example of his teacher Mr. Houghton, who would always talk about â€Å"good life, sexless, and free of duty†, while â€Å"his neck would turn of itself†if a girl passed by the window (164). I think he is right; most people will speak or do without speaking.For example, William says in his essay, â€Å"A crowd of grade-three thinkers, all shouting the same thing, all warming their hands at the fire of their own prejudices, will not thank you for pointing out the contradictions in their beliefs†(165). I have known of people speaking their minds, and not caring if it hurts the other person. To be a grade-three thinker is to live the unexpected life. One particular individual that he describes in this passage is a school teacher by the name of Miss Parson. He feels that Miss Parso n pretended to care, and to be concerned for her class.Actually, the only concern she had was finding her a husband. To me, grade three thinkers are considered immature and selfish. When you try to reason with them, they either respond one of two ways, they get mad and turn it into a shouting match or they get defensive. I thought William did a good job on describing grade three thinkers, because it describes most people. People only care about themselves, and not how it may affect others. Also, grade three thinkers, often think everything is true and will fight with anyone if they try to prove them wrong. Overall, William Golding did an excellent job on grade three thinking.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Current Historical Examples Constraints Opportunities Work Organisation Economics Essay
Work administration ( WO ) has a great and important impact non merely on a micro-firm degree but besides on national and planetary degrees as it influences political, societal and economic systems. WO is a wide construct with no rigorous definition as it deals with the manner work is organised and managed. The most successful and widely used signifier of WO is the capitalist labor procedure ( CLP ) , as can be seen by the laterality, success and increasing influence of western ( Anglo-Saxon ) CLP. There are nevertheless legion alternate work administration ( AWO ) structures in pattern in many states around the universe, many with their ain viing political, economic and societal political orientation, born out of historical and cultural patterns or revolution. Nevertheless in an progressively globalized and competitory universe AWO constructions have to turn out their sustainability and profitableness, while foregrounding their possible benefits over CLP, disputing the position quo and reshaping the predominating ideas on current signifiers of work administration. In this essay I will look at the both theoretical and practical facets of AWO both in a current and historical context and compare it with the CLP on a planetary degree. We begin with the CLP ‘s which is an economic and societal system where capital and the non-labour factors of production ( the agency of production ) are in private controlled to bring forth a trade good which has exchange-value every bit good as surplus-value, ( value of trade good is greater than the amount of the values of the trade goods used to bring forth it ) , in order to do a net income. Production is technically and socially organised to pull out maximal net income which is cardinal to CLP, therefore it is in the best involvement of capitalist/management to arouse the consent of workers in add-on to straight commanding them in order to use their creativeness and inventiveness of the work force ( Braverman, 1974 ) . Furthermore, labour, goods and capital are traded in markets ; and net incomes distributed to proprietors or invested in engineerings and industries. The chief characteristics of CLP are ; workers work for the capitalist, non for themselves and are separated from the agencies of production, ( the merchandise and its production procedure belong to the capitalist ) . They ( workers ) can non transform nature and autonomously supply their ain support as they do non hold entree to raw stuffs ( land or minerals ) or means of production ( tools and machines ) or proficient cognition. Additionally, workers work in an environment controlled in a â€Å" proper †mode set-out by the capitalist ( working-rules ) , they have nil to sell other than their labor ( but, unlike slaves, they are ‘free ‘ to sell it ) . However in order to last they must sell their labor to capitalists in return for rewards as a agency to last, this acts as a self-motivating factor to roll up resources ( money ) for themselves. Criticism of CLP is chiefly based around disaffection, where the worker is unable to command their work and work environment. This is due to the division of labor, which is the contracting down of the set of single undertakings and procedures in production, and seen as the thrust for profitableness and efficiency ( Braverman, 1974 ) . The division of labor is necessary in order to spread out production appropriate cognition and better engineering. Consequently, the liberty, creativeness and ability of the single employee were made wholly independent of work. Marx points out the following points of disaffection under capitalist economy, ( 1 ) Alienation from the merchandises of their labor, workers do non command what they produce taking to the inability to fulfill basic demands ( nutrient, apparels etc ) straight through their work. This was further increased by the distance between the figure of things produced and workers lack of entree to them, taking to stuff, cultural and moral poverty. ( 2 ) Alienation from the activity of work itself which led to a decrease in the creativeness lost with control of Labour Process ( LP ) given to the employer. Work becomes a agency to last hence more mentally and physically wash uping. ( 3 ) Workers are alienated from each other and the atomization of undertaking undermines cooperation farther estranging workers. They are besides made to vie with each other in a perpendicular hierarchal construction. Therefore alienated workers merely feel themselves outside work devising leisure go necessary to get the better of disaffection. This could take to a inclination to de-skilling in both fabrication and service industry. As a consequence ‘workers bring forthing more than their pay ‘ would take to the death of capitalist economy ( Marx, 1976 ) . Marx defined work as ‘a procedure between adult male and nature, by which adult male through his ain actions mediates, regulates and controls the metamorphosis between himself and nature ‘ . He emphasised that worlds should merely take and transform plenty for their basic demands. His ideal construct of work, which should do worlds experience self developed and self realized. Not like under capitalist economy where workers have no freedom or equality. This therefore led to the ideological and practical formation of AWO as a extremist battle of rank and file scheme for corporate action peculiarly in relation to the LP, decision-making, workers ‘ corporate actions and battles for emancipation from capitalists. AWOs consist of some of the undermentioned, Co-operativism which can be operated otherwise due to in different civilizations, and a proposal for an alternate economic system which is a participatory economic sciences. Co-operativism is a different manner of organizing concern through common ownership and democratic control of the endeavor. It differs from the capitalist economy in a figure of ways, unlike under capitalist economy power depends on the figure of portions owned by persons, there is non a hierarchal direction construction and net incomes and duties are shared every bit in co-ops. It operates basically to carry through the demands of their members. It seeks to supply the goods and services which their members need, for illustration, instruction and preparation are provided to better the ego development of workers, and it is the members who benefit most when the concern is successful. Another one of the major features of co-operatives is worker self-management ( WSM ) , this is the thought that those who produce should command their workplaces ; it is more than merely an economic activity and a agency of endurance. It is a beginning of originative fulfillment, self-development, self-actualisation and realization of one ‘s humanity through productive activity. The intent of being self managed was to spread out the chances for free originative activity by saving on labour clip during which people where obliged to execute activities which met their physical demands ( Marx, 1992 ) . The benefits of co-ops through WSM would be that all citizens/workers would be equal and have a say or ownership in the agencies of production that would let them to concentrate on what they are comparatively best at. In this alternate, net income is non the chief nonsubjective but alternatively the sweetening of person ‘s capablenesss by revolving undertakings and transforming work into an enriching, originative and socially utile agencies of being while extinguishing the disaffection of CLP construction. However there is no specific manner in which the co-ops is carried out and different states and parts have differing co-ops harmonizing to their civilization and societal and political systems as the undermentioned illustrations will demo: Advocates of the existent socialism tradition, which is a radical option imposed by authorities based on collectives. The province is directed to act like every bit houses in a capitalist economic system, contend that it combines the advantages of a planned economic system with the efficiencies that result from the usage of markets as an exchange mechanism ( Estrin 1991 ) . Get downing with the most utmost signifier which was communism and was most apparent in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( USSR ) , the system seeks to pull off both the economic system and society through a cardinal authorities which ensures centralized control and corporate ownership of belongings to accomplish both classlessness and statelessness. The design was that the province would keep the state ‘s assets in trust for the workers who would be working for their ain and general and each other ‘s good with all being equal. This political orientation spread across Europe including Poland and Czechoslovakia in the early 1900s and took on assorted signifiers, such as, in the former Yugoslavia where workers ‘ council were established at the behest of the workers ( Sturmthal, 1964 ) due to the dissatisfaction with the bureaucratic and statist discrepancy of socialism. In Russia, nevertheless, representative and regulating map of the first workers ‘ council were replaced with a more political and bureaucratic theoretical account. Most endeavors and industries were nationalized and the province controlled virtually all facets of work and production, with workers holding small say. In 1948 nevertheless Yugoslavia was expelled from the communist Eastern axis and accordingly lost the Eastern markets. Political and economic isolation forced the Yugoslav leaders to experiment with new economic theoretical accounts ( Schrenk, et al 1979 ) . Under the new construct of â€Å" societal ownership †( although this is still the existent socialism tradition, but different at some facets ) , neither the province nor single citizens nor workers lawfully owned the assets or capital of productive endeavors. Rather, assets were made available to single independent endeavors, which were in bend governed by the new workers ‘ councils ( Huselid, 1995 ) . Collectives were besides free to put their ain internal pay ratios. The purpose was to increase worker engagement in the decision-making procedure and was widely viewed as critical in procuring and heightening employee satisfaction and productiveness in organisations ( Witt, 1992 ) . As a consequence Yugoslavia experienced a comparative economic roar between 1950 and the mid-1970s, when the state had one of the highest growing rates in the universe ( Sturmthal, 1964 ) . Another good illustration of co-ops is the democratic community-Kibbutz system runing in Israel, this can besides be seen as a type of co-ops named socialist tradition which opposes to private belongings and capitalist economy and has multifunctional concerted communities. More features of how this type operates can be found in the undermentioned illustration: In the mid-1970s in Kibbutz, it was the ‘normative ‘ theoretical account of pull offing industry through its internal political organic structures. In its authoritative signifier merely members participated in the disposal and direction of all domains of life on the Kibbutz, to stress equality, many works directors had same uniforms as their workers. The chief ends were industrialisation and for persons to recognize their accomplishments and abilities which would take to an economic roar, while accomplishing direct democracy, freedom and autonomy in labor. Other purposes were to advance exports, defense mechanism production and cut down imports. The theoretical accounts characteristics of self-management include ; single freedom, corporate ownership of industrial workss, outgos and income besides belonged to the Kibbutz. The democratically elected Kibbutz assembly made determinations on production and investing programs. The Kibbutz system enjoyed success for many old ages prior to the mid-1980s. Palgi ( 1984 ) stated that compared to workers under capitalist mills, workers in Kibbutz workss had more chances to open them for promotion and in make up one's minding how the work would be carried out. However despite the diminution of the Kibbutz co-op system, elements of it have been adopted across the Earth, one such illustration of a current industrial democracy is Suma Wholefoods Coop, a just trade and organic merchandise distribution house established in 1974 in the UK. The house considers itself a ‘radical concern ‘ as it does non organize itself in a conventional manner such as through division of labor and separation between direction and worker, and hierarchy system. All worker proprietors are responsible for direction and involved in determination devisings for major strategic issues, company officers are appointed by the direction commission, and most ‘radically ‘ all workers from officers to warehouse baggers are on the same rewards and they are encouraged to make assorted occupations with different accomplishments, for illustration, drivers will work in the warehouse or in the office for two yearss a hebdomad. This is to promote multi-skilling and occupation rotary motion, in a command to hike morale and self-fulfilment and a sense of worth as envisaged by Marx. Another different type of co-ops is economic crisis tradition, which defends thoughts of common belongings, common work, equal wages and workplace democracy. An illustration of economic crisis tradition is the Bauen hotel in Argentina, which was reopened and operated as a co-op in summer 2004 after following the state ‘s fiscal prostration ( 2001- 2002 ) . Today, despite an on-going ownership struggle with the ex-owner over the legal expropriation of the edifice, the Bauen operates at 80 % capacity and has hired about 80 extra workers. The hierarchal and autocratic signifiers of organisation that characterized work-life at the hotel in the yesteryear have been officially replaced by corporate decision-making procedures and an classless ethos, free of from foremans and directors. Another illustration of co-ops is seen in the solidarity and concerted motion in Venezuela, where the purposes are non merely those of the co-ops and WSM ends but to besides to beef up Venezuelan independency and sovereignty, by puting up a national production web to cut down dependance on imports and foreign. â€Å" The different attacks adopted since 2000 were foremost a strengthening of co-ops, chiefly through revenue enhancement inducements. Then the creative activity of Social production companies [ EPS ] and eventually the Socialistic Enterprises every bit good as the construct of endogenous development, normative orientation of production organisation, and province occupation preparation †( Azzellini, 2009 ) . The overall end was ab initio defined as a â€Å" humanistic and solidarity economic system. †In an EPS, an employee ‘s place should non give him or her any privileges, and the internal organisation of work should follow a democratic theoretical account. Work activities would be rotated, and disaffection in the production procedure should be bit by bit abolished. EPS are directed to weigh societal net income more than private net income, and direct their production toward societal demands instead than along the lines of selling and capital accretion. They are besides directed to put portion of their net incomes ( 10-15 % ) in local societal undertakings and substructure, incorporating themselves into the surrounding communities through the community councils, every bit good as being transparent and publically accountable ( Azzellini, 2009 ) . We can see from above that all these signifiers of co-ops have similarities in that there is less managerial supervising as determinations are meant to be made democratically due to the higher equality amongst members. This besides means, more enriching as net incomes are every bit shared out. Cooperatives can besides be implemented on a national or steadfast degree due to their flexibleness and the fact that they incorporate like-minded people. The advantages of all these signifiers of co-ops were improved societal contact in the on the job collective and enhanced equality. When doing determinations together, workers communicate more with each other and with their directors. In the self-management system, workers â€Å" exercise control over work †while take parting in the direction procedure and workers besides viewed the system positively ( Grandjean & A ; ToA? , 1987 ) . However the AWO constructions portion many of the same drawbacks, and the same facets that made these options attractive are now the designers of their ruin and oppugning their feasibleness in an progressively globalised and competitory profit-driven universe economic system. Market competition challenges these accomplishments, as workers can command and make up one's mind production, but can non independently act upon the market ( monetary values, crisis, offer and demand ) . The market hence can non suit consensus but immediate determinations. Most of these AWO besides suffered from technological retardation and a deficiency of sufficient capital as they had different attacks to profitableness and efficiency every bit compared to capitalist economy. This is most apparent in Argentina where mills were the victims of the market oriented reforms which opened the economic system to international competition ( Atzeni & A ; Ghigliani, 2007 ) . Problems are farther compounded by the demand to hold democratic constructions and decision-making surveies in four Argentinean mills found that where each worker can freely show sentiments and acquire involved in decision-making guaranteed by legislative act ( Atzeni & A ; Ghigliani, 2007 ) . The possibility of coercing direction councils to name a mass meeting provided that a minimal figure of workers formulate a common petition creates a changeless tenseness which ever seems to be present between the demand to portion information, corporate decision-making, and the demand to centralise the same procedure in the custodies of a restricted figure of workers. Decisions need to be taken in relation to concern, and by the most competent people. There therefore should be a priori docket for interfering with the democratic decision-making procedure. In regard of this facet, a inclination to cut down the infinite for corporate decision-making can be discerned and accordingly there occurs a natural separation between production and direction workers. Furthermore this besides created a farther job in AWOs because most workers lacked the needed cognition and competency to do the necessary investing and fiscal determinations, and as a consequence, there are inclinations towards the intrenchment of decision-making elites within the worker councils over clip ( Obradovic, 1975 ) . Frequent occupation and leader ( s ) rotary motion seen as a solution can take to a state of affairs in which unqualified people were running the economic system and lead to incorrect determination devising and hapless leading and administration. Besides the democratic decision-making procedure can be slow therefore losing the concern chances and hence bing money. Furthermore, the sophisticated industrial works of today agencies that non everyone can make the same occupation as some require specialist cognition acquired through expensive higher acquisition or old ages of experience in order to bring forth maximal efficiency. This limits the worker ‘s ability to present alterations in the LP, the proficient division of labor shows no significant differences with the production of capitalist economy. Another major challenge for AWO ‘s is how to actuate workers while at the same clip alining their ends with the long-run involvements of the organisation. Some critics argued that these systems encourage inordinate pay payments, such as can in Suma Wholefoods where they all every bit paid despite their work. Plus unsustainable occupation security warrants, and other inefficient patterns and inducement jobs ( Kavcic & A ; Cibron 1992 ) . One key job cited in this respect was local workers council penchants for pay and employment protection at the disbursal of capital reinvestment in the endeavor, since workers lost all claims to a house ‘s future returns if they exited the house. This may hold generated a inclination to favor current income over long-run investing ( Estrin 1991 ) . This besides applies to other signifiers of AWOs. It has been argued that the aggregative system of self-management had an built-in inclination toward high unemployment because income is every bit shared, hence there is a opposition by bing members to take on new employees as incumbent workers are interested in income maximization. Workers councils hence did non cut down unemployment rates to the extent that might be expected within an officially socialist state ( Pejovich, 1979 ) . In other less socialist and more communist provinces like Russia where that province controlled employment at that place tended to be low rewards and under-employment due to the high figure of employees. The increased globalization and force per unit areas to be profitable in order to stay in competitory and in being has besides claimed many AWOs for illustration the Kibbutz system succumbed to weakening corporate political orientation ( Talmon, 1970 ) , and altering in the economic state of affairs ( Rosner & A ; Getz, 1994 ) , such as money being distributed every bit and non harmonizing to demand. There was besides a alteration in the Israeli society from socialist to capitalist. The crisis resulted in alterations in both industrial sector and community life, alterations include: re-prioritizing the aims that an industrial works should accomplish. Profitability and non workers demands became the primary concern for industry. Firms today besides see it important to hold a hierarchal construction with a clear division of authorization ( and labour ) among the different degrees. These alterations have a profound impact on the Kibbutz ‘s organisational construction and have threatened its economic and societal endurance. Another job of AWOs is that passage to a new system is complex, this is apparent from the Bauen hotel illustration, while there is no official hierarchy between workers in the Bauen, and hints of a capitalist commonsense persist. Specifically in the manner workers still hold onto the subjective perceptual experiences that a worker ‘s undertaking and place within the hotel should find their degree of engagement in decision-making procedures. Albert ( 2004 ) hence proposed an alternate economic system, participatory economic sciences ( parecon ) and seek to work out the jobs of AWOs mentioned before. Parecon has common characteristics of AWOs, it promotes equity, diverseness, solidarity, self-management and ecological balance, but this is a diverseness economic system, is built on workers and consumers councils, combines societal ownership, participatory planning allotment, council construction, balanced occupation composites, wage for attempt and forfeit, and participatory self-management with no category distinction. As for participatory planning, it does n't hold purchasers and Sellerss maximising their ain advantage each at the cost of the other. It does n't hold competitively determined monetary values and net income or excess maximization. For the solution of occupation rotary motion in co-ops, proposed balanced occupation composites in this system would guarantee that when workers participate in decision-making, they have been comparably prepared by their work with assurance, accomplishments, and cognition to make so. Balanced occupation composites distribute unequal undertakings empower certain sort of workers, e.g. coordinator category. The purpose of parecon is non to extinguish divisions of labor, but to redefining the division of labor by guaranting that over some sensible clip frame people should hold duty for some reasonable sequence of undertakings for which they are adequately trained and such that no 1 enjoys consistent advantages in footings of the empowerment effects of their work. This gives workers a just portion of burdensome and fulfilling or drilling and authorising undertakings. Although this establishes a division of labor, it does n't bring forth a category division between lasting order-givers and order-takers. However others argue that more solidarity might cut down privateness, or more self-management might cut down quality of end products. In add-on, although making absolutely balanced occupation composites is theoretically possible, can it be done in existent life state of affairss? The reply is really likely will be no, one of the grounds could be that preparation is socially dearly-won, it would be inefficient for gifted people to make humble undertakings. In decision AWOs theoretically work absolutely and accomplish the purposes that are set out, but they make the large premise that all worlds have homogeneousness in their physical and rational capablenesss and gifts and will be satisfied with being equal and an equal portion of net incomes no affair how much they put in compared to others, and will fulfill with holding no more than what they require to run into their demands. It besides does non see the institutional troubles of altering to and pull offing such systems such as guaranting equality ( .i.e through occupation rotary motion and democratic-voting ) , altering mentalities, or market system force per unit areas. Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez recognized publically on January 28, 2007, that it had been a ‘mistake ‘ to turn the employees into partial proprietors ( Azzellini 2009 ) . There seems to be no room for this political and economic political orientation in this globalised world/age of consumerism and private entrepreneurship, where greater value is placed on personal accomplishment and organisational efficiency. Despite these AWOs still have much to offer particularly in their practical facets, on a micro house degree such as Suma Wholefoods Coop and peculiarly in commanding decreasing natural resources. All members of capitalist societies are conditioned by constructions and procedures that appear to be independently of them and every bit long as the advantages of CLP remain, capitalist economy will be the dominant economic system in the universe, citizens and states will go on to take it over other AWOs.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Website Evaluation Paper and Prototype for Redesign Essay
Website Evaluation Paper and Prototype for Redesign - Essay Example In order to increase the customers and business there is a desperate need to re-design the website for survival of the Berry’s company and competing with their competitors. In order to achieve the objectives, the company needs to improve the website in three diverse aspects include: the overall design, the user interface and the web marketing to increase the traffic. The improvements in the overall design of the website may include but not limited to the inclusion of a site map, the standardized coding or quality of code, search engine optimization and page layout. The user interface should be improved to get effective and efficient user interaction with the website. The user interface should be simple, easy-to-use and attractive by applying the web user interface standards and guidelines. The website’s visitors are not always the customers, but the objective is to compel the visitors to stop and buy the services, it can be accomplished by the service quality, selection (and the way of presenting services or contents) and the attractive price or offer. The already identified weaknesses of the website can be categorized into the three above mentioned categories. As the contents of the website do not precisely depict the objective of the website. Therefore, it is highly recommended to add a clear objective statement of the Berry’s company, the services that are provided in the bullets need to be elaborated so that these services can be described to the visitors/customer to gain their attention that may lead to a successful sale. Moreover, the contact information needs to be modified in a way that customers can interact with the company’s officer through the website. The contents’ language should represent the real world information so that the customer can easily understand. These recommendations related or categorized into the sale related issues or to stop the visitor to read out contents for a while. The website does not contain a site map and search
Friday, September 27, 2019
Tawaraya Sotatsu Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Tawaraya Sotatsu - Research Paper Example Background of Tawaraya Sotatsu Sotatsu was born in the 17th century in Japan. There isn’t a trace of the time frame when he was born or died, who is parents were and what his status was. The only eearly reference is to his name, which stands for ‘shop.’ It was also known that during this time, there were social differences in class and hierarchy, specifically between spiritualists, royalty and those who were designated to work in labor designated areas. Sotatsu belonged to the commoners group, known as a rising merchant. However, he began to notice his talent for the arts and painting earlier, which led him to connect to distinguished individuals that were known as warriors and which could educate Sotatsu on painting and illustrations. This led him to move into the genre of painting while working among more wealthy merchants so he could develop his talents in a different manner. It was from this that Sotatsu began to become a leader that revitalized literary paint ing for the period, specifically allowing the Edo Period to begin to transform in the types of works that were offered and the approach to art that was considered in high regard during the time1. Techniques of Sotatsu There were several techniques that Sotatsu used to become distinguished within Japan and to push forward the art work that was associated with the time. One common technique was the fan paintings that Sotatsu used to sell among the higher class and merchants. These were illustrated with authentic illustrations that were based around figures and decorative ideologies for the time. Flowers, trees, birds and animals are the most common seen in the fan paintings, as well as the other works of Sotatsu. Narrative scenes were also depicted, specifically with the fan paintings that were available. The main themes which were a part of the fan paintings were the most important, specifically because it was a newer way of approaching the decorative arts2. The fan paintings led int o other decorative materials that Sotatsu was known for using with the paintings and drawings. The materials that Sotatsu used led to the change in illustrations to ink painting. Most of the illustrations before this time were done with the drawings and lines that were used with ink. However, Sotatsu began to experiment with the ink and the ways in which it could shape and change the images. The ink became a way of painting because of the shading that he was able to incorporate into the paintings, as well as new textures which were implied through the ink. This began by applying a layer of pigment to the ink on paper or silk for the drawing. This was followed by a second layer of ink or colorant, usually which was applied before the ink was dry. The new pigment would then bleed outward to form a larger mark on the original material. This is combined with what is referred to as the tarakashomi method. This was popular during this time frame but was no longer used among artists. Sotat su began to popularize this concept with his works, which was inclusive of dripping or pooling. The ink would drip into the layers of pigments for visual effects. The fluidity of this particular ink would also allow for the painting to be applied to the work that was being illustrated, creating a thicker texture to the lines that were a part of the illustration3. The approaches which were taken for the layered pigments, ink
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Managerial Accounting Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Managerial Accounting Practices - Essay Example Claire’s Antiques may have to sell its products at a discount or even at a loss to liquidate its inventory. To reduce inventory costs, management is considering implementing a "Just In Time" inventory management system. If this JIT inventory strategy gets implemented then Claire’s Antiques would see a good improvement on the return on investment as there would be a reduction in the in-process inventory and its associated costs. It is essential to implement it correctly and utilize it optimally because if there is any disruption at any given point in the supply chain, then all production grinds to a halt. The internal specifications presented in this report are sufficiently logical and enable good economic decision making. For example, specific reporting periods may be replaced with access to real-time data that enable quick response to changing conditions. And, forecasted outcomes become much more critical for planning purposes. Likewise, cost information should be disseminated in such a way that we can focus on different manufacturing processes such as design, material acquisition, assembly, testing and so on. -> Cost/Volume/Profit Analysis: Claire’s Antiques deals with multiple products, and thus offers a diverse product line, and the individual products have different selling prices, contribution margins and contribution margin ratios. As such in Claire’s Antiques case, the bedroom suites have a higher profit margin when compared to other products, but at the same time it also has a lower sales volume. ... contribution margins and contribution margin ratios. As such in Claire's Antiques case, the bedroom suites have a higher profit margin when compared to other products, but at the same time it also has a lower sales volume. Yet the firm's total fixed cost picture would be the same, no matter the mix of products sold. There are few assumptions which could be considered here : Costs can be segregated into fixed and variable portions The linearity of costs is preserved over a relevant range (i.e., variable cost is constant per unit, and fixed cost is constant in total) Revenues are constant per unit and multiple-product firms meet the expected product mix ratios One additional assumption is that inventory levels are fairly constant, with the number of units produced equaling the number of units sold. If inventory levels fluctuate, some of the variable and fixed product costs may flow into or out of inventory, with a variety of potential impacts on profitability -> Job Costing: Determining the cost data for products and services are the end results of productive processes. Multiple processes are required to bring about a deliverable output. A logical starting point for job costing is to track the direct labor to specific jobs. It is required to capture the time spent on each job by each employee on a tracker .This would allow cost assignment to specific jobs. The next important thing would be to keep a detailed record of the materials released to each job. As such, in the case of manufacturing a clock, the materials used is solid oak wood, glass door, clock mechanism and pendulum. The information gathered provides essential documentation to safeguard and track
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Strategic Alliances in the Airline Industry Essay
Strategic Alliances in the Airline Industry - Essay Example Most researchers have argued that (e.g. Cummins & Xie 2007) firms with relatively high returns on equity, capital and larger market shares are more likely to be acquirers, while those with low return on equity and financially vulnerable firms are more likely to be targets. In finance, it is a common practice to view mergers and acquisitions as manifestations of the market for corporate control. Much of foreign direct investments usually take the form of mergers and acquisition and according to Reis & Head (2005), two-third of FDI that took place between the periods of 1987-2001 was in the form of mergers and acquisition. With their relative advantage of capital, technology, and managerial resources that would otherwise not be available to the host country or other domestic firms, FDIs are often seen as monopoly because of their economic, technology and managerial advantage they posses. Subsequently, host countries enjoy these benefits and costs that otherwise is unavailable to domestic firm. Against this background, this paper seeks to provide an answer to the following research questions What has been the nature of strategic alliances at the airline industry How strategic Allainces in the airline industry does affect Human resource Management issues What are the potential benefits and costs associated with strategic alliances in the airline industry Are strategic alliances in the airline industry worth the trouble 1.1.2 Research Purpose and Objectives This paper is aimed at reviewing strategic alliances in the airline industry, the reasons or motives behind their pursuance and the human resource management issues that firms may face. It starts by reviewing strategic alliances and then proceeds to drawing a line between them. Other objectives will include To analyse and evaluate potential costs and benefits associated with strategic alliances at the airline industry. To find out and states the various ways through which strategic alliances at the airlines industry affect human resource management issues. The research will also seek to understand if strategic alliances at the airlines industry are worth the trouble. 1.1.3 Importance and Rational of Study Going through previous research within the area I realised, resources mastery and understanding of research subject area are necessary for writing a good research paper. I also came to realise through examination of what others have written on merger and acquisition, little or nothing has been said on the impact of mergers on human resource ma
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Marketing Plan of APPLET-I Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Marketing Plan of APPLET-I - Research Paper Example The paper presents the environmental analysis regarding the current situation of the organization or firm to the marketing environment (target market). The environmental analysis mainly considers the external factors influencing the market. There are a number of external factors they are, economic, competitive, political, legal (regulatory), technological and socio-cultural factors. These factors are also known as macro environmental factors. This study analyzes the strategic decisions for doing the market research. The competition among the computer training centre is strong in Cochin. The company faces competition from many online education organizations. The main competitors for the company are Gtech and Aptech and 30 to 40 percent of market share are holded by them. But the new courses like I phone and I pad applications are only provided by the Applet-I. So at the initial stage we are not expecting much competition. The economic factors are used to reduce the overall cost, like promotion expenses and other expenses. Economy force is an important macro environmental factor because, these forces effectively make decisions how to operate the business. Most of the new generation business largely invests the amount to the promotional activities. APPLET-i, introducing the specialty in promotion. There are some new techniques are used with low cost comparing with the competitors. The main promotion tool is social networking sites such as face book, orkut etc. No political influences is expected to affect the smooth operations of Applet-I. 4. Legal Forces: By paying more attention in advertisement through Medias and through the direct contact of targeted customers, the company can reach upto the target groups. So we are keeping ourselves aside from distributing advertisements through mails (junk mails). 5. Technological Forces: In this most modern world technologies are changing second by seconds. The technological forces include the aspects of research and develo pment, automation, the rate changes in technology etc. Technological forces influence the outsourcing decisions. The changes in technology can effects the cost, quality and make innovation like products, process, new technologies, services and ideas. In APPLET-i using the modern technology for its services. 6. Socio Cultural Forces: Today the people have a positive attitude towards the computer education. They find it as an easy and convenient way for attaining any certified course within a very short duration. They can learn it as a part course too. This is less time consuming and cost effective too. Company Analysis: APPLET-i is based
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Asian American Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Asian American Experience - Essay Example In the following passages, I will be discussing the Asian immigration experience in to the United States. The focus will not be so much in establishing a chronological account of the social phenomenon as in analyzing the social and cultural forces that have operated in the regard for Asian Americans. The Chinese were the first people to immigrate in large numbers to the United States by late 1840's. Driven by the desire to extricate themselves from economic hardship so prevalent in their country and the impending British takeover of China after winning the Opium War of 1839 -1842, the Chinese came in large numbers in the United States. They were attracted to do this due to the gold rush that was occurring in the California region. Most of them ended up as contract labourers. (Barkan, 2007) Discrimination showed its presence when the Chinese were obligated to pay the Foreign Miner Tax. This piece of legislation required all foreign miners to pay certain tax for their participation in the industry. The tax measure was only applied to Chinese workers in spite of the predominance of European immigrants. When they resisted paying the tax due to unfair application, the Chinese were physically abused and even murdered without hope of retribution from the justice system due to the fact that the law prevented Chinese immigrants from testifying against Whites in court. In the PBS documentary entitled Becoming... Almost 12,000 Chinese labourers were employed to the dirtiest and hazardous work by the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific in constructing mile after mile of railroad track. An estimated 1,000 of them died as a result of poor working conditions such as rock avalanches and explosion accident. Their wages were also about 60% of what European immigrants were paid. The list of discriminatory practices does not stop there. When the Chinese went into strike to ask for equality in salary, management cut off their food supply and starved them into submission. They were also treated as if they only had a minor contribution in the project's accomplishment as evidenced by their exclusion in the ceremony in Promontory Point, Utah celebrating the completion of the project. They were never mentioned in the speeches and were actually summarily fired and were forbidden to ride the train back to San Francisco. Seeing the Chinese as an economic threat due to the cheapness of their services in almost all trade, Americans embarked on a campaign of terror against them. There were several cases of lynching, murders and anti-riot practices ultimately resulting to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The Chinese immigrants were prohibited from becoming US citizens and incoming immigration from China was effectively hindered. Living in a society which prevented them from being integrated into mainstream culture and discriminated upon them wit respect to rights in education and owning of lands, the Chinese established what is popularly known as China towns where they can conduct business among themselves thereby limiting the need to trade and deal with American whites. The establishment of China towns
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Social studies carried Essay Example for Free
Social studies carried Essay I will now write about two social studies carried out to investigate how people obey to authority and what affects this. Firstly I will explain an experiment carried out by Milgram. He placed a newspaper advertisement offering $4.50 for an hours work, in response to this an individual turns up to take part in a Psychology experiment investigating memory and learning. He is introduced to a stern looking experimenter in a white coat and a rather pleasant and friendly co-subject. The experimenter explains that the experiment will look into the role of punishment in learning, and that one will be the teacher and one will be the learner. Lots are drawn to determine roles, and it is decided that the individual who answered the ad will become the teacher. (The drawing of lots was rigged, so that the actor would always end up as the learner.) Your co-subject is taken to a room where he is strapped in a chair to prevent movement and an electrode is placed on his arm. Next, the teacher is taken to an adjoining room which contains a generator. The teacher is instructed to read a list of two word pairs and ask the learner to read them back. If the learner gets the answer correct, then they move on to the next word. If the answer is incorrect, the teacher is supposed to shock the learner starting at 15 volts. The generator has 30 switches in 15 volt augmentations; each is labelled with a voltage ranging from 15 up to 450 volts. Each switch also has a rating, ranging from slight shock to danger: severe shock. The final two switches are labelled XXX. The teacher automatically is supposed to increase the shock each time the learner misses a word in the list. Although the teacher thought that he/she was administering shocks to the learner, the learner is actually a student or an actor who is never actually harmed. It was found that at times, the worried teachers questioned the experimenter, asking who was responsible for any harmful effects resulting from shocking the learner at such a high level. Upon receiving the answer that the experimenter assumed full responsibility, teachers seemed to accept the response and continue shocking, even though some were obviously extremely uncomfortable in doing so. The theory that only the most ghastly monsters on the merciless fringe of society would submit to such cruelty is disclaimed. Findings show that, two-thirds of this studies participants fall into the category of obedient subjects, and that they represent ordinary people drawn from the working, managerial, and professional classes (Obedience to Authority). Ultimately 65% of all of the teachers punished the learners to the maximum 450 volts. No subject stopped before reaching 300 volts. Here I have included an image of how the experiment was laid out: Milgram also conducted several follow-up experiments to determine what might change the likelihood of maximum shock delivery. In one condition, the touch-proximity condition, the teacher was required to hold the hand of the learner on a shock plate in order to give him shocks above 150 volts. The most interesting finding from this follow-up experiment is that 32% of the subjects in the proximity-touch condition held the hand of the learner on the shock plate while administering shocks in excess of 400 volts. Further experiments showed that teachers were less obedient when the experimenter communicated with them via the telephone versus in person, and males were just as likely to be obedient as females, although females tended to be more nervous. There was another main study carried out to analyze obedience in a real life scenario, this was done in a hospital with nurses. It was conducted in the following way the study was set in a psychiatric hospital in the America. The participants were 22 nurses on night duty. An unknown doctor, who was a confederate, telephoned the hospital and spoke to a nurse. He instructed them to give medication to a patient. The medication was a drug with a maximum dosage of 10Mg (which was shown on the label of the bottle). The doctor instructed the nurse to give a dosage of 20Mg to the patient and said that he would sign the relevant authorisation papers when he arrived in the hospital in 10 minutes time. It was hospital rules to not take these kinds of orders on the telephone. This was done with each of the 22 nurses. The result was that 21/22 of the nurses obeyed the telephone instruction and began to prepare the medication before they were stopped and the situation was explained to them.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Truman Show Essay Example for Free
Truman Show Essay Society watches and is attracted to these shows because they are supposed to relate to ordinary people’s lives. Even though it appears that their real lives are playing out on television, it is not as real as it seems when compared to people’s â€Å"real†lives. These â€Å"actors†have nothing to fear. They have security guards surrounding them when filming the show. They do not have to pay for anything because the company pays for their needs and wants. The director cuts and edits the clips to show the adience how he wants the actors’ lives and show to appear. The only difference between the reality shows of today and the Truman show is that Truman was not aware that he was part of a show. In today’s reality shows, the actors are very aware of their surroundings and display behavior that will make the shows more amusing to their audience. Truman’s world was in a way almost a â€Å"utopia†with no worries and no fear. It was, however, repetitive. Every day was the same. There were no difficult choices to make; much like reality television is portrayed today. The decisions they make and the outcomes do not truly reflect what would happen if an ordinary person does the same. The actors in today’s reality television have welcomed the public eye to see everything they are doing, but this isn’t true for everyone in society. While the rest of the society hasn’t invited anyone to track their actions, government and other organizations are already doing this in many ways. These groups have the ability to put up surveillance cameras to track when people are in different locations. They can track internet, credit card and cell phone usage. When traveling by a cell tower, for example, the tower stores the location information in a database. It is ready to be revealed to any government official when solicited (ACLU). Purchases can be tracked, along with, vacations, hotel stays, etc. According to an article written by Daniel J. Solove, for The Chronicle of Higher Education, the most common response to privacy advocates is â€Å"Only if you’re doing something wrong should you worry, and then you don’t deserve to keep it private. †(cite ). The problem with the government collecting private information goes beyond someone doing right or wrong. Some of the problems resulting from collecting and using personal data include the fact that people do not know that this data is being collected about them. They cannot fix an issue if they do not know this technology exists. Another problem with government gathering and using personal data is the distortion of the data. It often fails to reflect the whole person and can paint an untrue picture (Chronicle). Privacy is not typically lost with one major action, but it occurs over time with many pieces of information being collected and used to make assumptions about a person. The question is can it be stopped? The best way to slow down the invasion of privacy is to be careful of the information a person is freely giving out, especially on the internet. Information provided in emails, Facebook, on-line shopping sites, use of credit-cards, or completing surveys for a â€Å"free-gift†all contribute to an ongoing database of personal information. Consumers can continue to express their opinions with government representatives on how this personal information is collected and used. Those who want an increase in privacy should encourage the policy makers to look at the spending programs, regulatory agencies, privacy-invading regulations and investigative agencies for influence (Privacilla). The Truman show portrays the government or â€Å"creator†as having all personal information of Truman and is able to influence and control his entire life. This is not a future that society wishes to imitate. Bibliography ACLU. American Civil Liberties Union. American Civil Liberties Union. ACLU, n. d. Web. 12 May 2013. Privacilla. Welcome to Privacilla. org. Welcome to Privacilla. org. Privacilla, 3 June 2012. Web. 12 May 2013. Solove, Daniel J. Why Privacy Matters. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Chronicle Review, 15 May 2011. Web. 12 May 2013.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Serving the political objectives of the principal participants
Serving the political objectives of the principal participants The Korean War officially began on 25 Jun 1950 when forces of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK North Korea) invaded the Republic of Korea (ROK South Korea). After initial stunning successes by both sides, there then followed over 3 years of bloody conflict which ultimately ended in an uneasy status quo ante bellum which still persists. The central hypothesis to this paper is that the use of military force was an effective policy tool for all parties involved to meet defined political objectives. The degree of success that each state/organisation achieved will be examined in detail. This essay will be limited to analysing the conflicts immediate aftermath and will not consider events beyond the Geneva Conference in Apr 1954. Specifically, this essay will investigate the rationale that led the DPRKs leader (Kim Il Sung) to consider the use of military force to achieve his primary objective of unifying Korea. The causes of the Korean War will also be briefly examined to set analysis in context. Causes The decisive event that caused the Korean War was the decision by two US Army Colonels on 10 August 1945 to divide Korea at the 38th parallel [1] . The decision was taken on Aug 10 1945 and for no better reason than à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it would place the capital city [Seoul] in the American zone. [2] From the moment that the Korean partition decision was made public, the leaders of the DPRK and ROK were essentially determined to establish a unified country by diplomatic or military means. Indeed, many in the United States were worried that the ROK would invade the DPRK first, such was the bellicose rhetoric emanating from the ROK President Synghman Rhee. The dividing line on the 38th parallel did not have any historical significance to Koreans of any faction and the imposition of an arbitrary dividing line by the joint Soviet/United Commission in Korea came as a total shock [3] . Indeed, Bruce Cumings asserts that the interim United States occupation forces nearly became as unpopular as the newly ousted Japanese once the 38th Parallel decision became widely known [4] . It can therefore be argued that nascent nationalism, coupled with diametrically opposed ideologies and the unfortunate choice of an arbitrary dividing line provided the catalyst for the DPRK invasion of the ROK on 25 Jun 1950. It can also be postulated that Kim Il Sung was left with little option but to resort to military means to bring about his desired end state of unifying Korea. Military outcomes From its inception, the Korean War was viewed as a limited war by the principal combatants, who (albeit for different reasons) had no wish to see the conflict escalate into a wider conflagration. The military outcome of the Korean War was indeterminate, with neither side emerging as a clear victor. After the initial period of manoeuvre (from Jun 1950 Jun 1951) the Korean War settled into a stalemate reminiscent of World War 1 trench warfare. With neither side willing to escalate the conflict to gain a decisive edge, continued operations by UN and Communist forces essentially became a series of (relatively) pointless battles [5] in order to gain territory or exert political leverage at the Armistice negotiations in Panmunjom. When the Korean Armistice was formally signed on 27 Jul 1953, a heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) was established following front line positions. Neither side could claim victory in the true sense of the word. Political and Strategic Objectives of the Soviet Union Due to chronic instability in the ROK, the Korean peninsula perhaps presented the best opportunity for a communist leaning buffer state to be established that would protect Soviet and Chinese borders from any perceived American threat. The northern portion of Korea was occupied by Soviet troops, who quickly moved to support indigenous communist orientated commissariats. Kim Il Sung emerged as the favoured choice of the Soviet leadership and the DPRK was established in 1948. Once it became clear that Korea would not be unified by political means alone, and the Soviet Union had successfully tested an atomic bomb, Stalin eventually gave his consent and backing to Kim Il Sung [6] to proceed with the invasion of the ROK, but was purportedly unwilling to widen the conflict and risk a wider war with the USA [7] . Stalin viewed the Korean conflict as a key part of a wider Soviet strategy to embroil the USA (and its allies) in a protracted struggle far away from what both sides regarded as the Centre of Gravity in Europe. In this the Soviets largely succeeded as the USA became wedded to the defence of the ROK on a point of principle after the DPRK invasion. Stalin also determined that it would be perhaps better for the Soviet Union to engage in conflict with the United States at an early juncture, rather than to wait for Germany and Japan to be re-armed, which would greatly increase Western military capability: [Stalin] à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦added that even if the USA provoked a big war, let it take place now rather than a few years later, when Japanese militarism will be restored as an American ally, and when the United States and Japan will possess a military spring-board on the continent in the form of Rhees Korea. [8] The Soviet Unions relationship with China was crucial. Stalin viewed newly communist China as the junior partner in the communist world. While content to provide administrative, technical and planning advice, Stalin determined that the Soviet Union would not become overtly involved in any Korean conflict in order to avoid a direct confrontation with the United States. Kim Il Sung visited Moscow in Apr 1950; during this period, Stalin laid out the terms of any DPRK invasion of the ROK as: The Chinese (specifically Mao Zedong) must approve the invasion; The DPRK invasion must appear as a counter to an ROK move into the DPRK; and that Kim Il Sung would not be able to rely on overt Soviet support if the USA intervened, but would have to rely on Chinese support [9] . In essence, Stalin determined that there were great advantages to a conflict being fought by proxy between the fledgling communist Chinese state and the United States. A conflagration in Korea that pitted the United States against China would make any chance of rapprochement between the two states highly unlikely and would also fix American attention far from the Soviet vital ground in eastern Europe. Another key piece of evidence of Soviet strategy was revealed by the former Sovier premier Nikita Khrushchev. In his memoirs, Khrushchev gave an explanation of why Stalin decided to support Kim Il Sungs proposed invasion of the ROK. Khrushchev stated that when the United States Secretary of State (Dean Acheson) publicly stated that the ROK was outside of the United States Defence Perimeter [10] , this inadvertently sent a strong signal to Stalin that the ROK was a soft spot that was worth exploiting [11] . Stalin therefore reasoned that the United States would not commit forces to support the ROK regime in the event of a DPRK invasion [12] . Once it became clear that the Korean Peninsula would not be unified by diplomatic means, Stalin was content to sanction the use of military force (by his DPRK proxy) to bring about unification of Korea. The eventual outcome of the Korean War did not meet the Soviet primary political goal of establishing a communist, unified Korea as the eventual cease fire line ran almost exactly along the 38th parallel. Despite this, it can be argued that the Soviet Union greatly benefited from the outcomes of the Korean War. The United States was badly shaken by the Chinese intervention in Nov 1950 [13] and the loss of American prestige was tangible when United Nations forces were forced into a pell-mell retreat south after the Chinese riposte in Nov 1950. The Korean War diverted the United States from what the Soviet Union determined as its vital ground in Europe. Korea also provided a means to test Soviet military capabilities in combat against the United States, especially in the air. Finally, Korea also allowed the Soviet Union to cement its relationship with China and prevent any rapprochement between China and the United States. The Soviet Union, by financing and supporting its Chinese and DPRK proxies was thus able to meet the majority of its aims, without becoming overtly involved in the fighting. On the minus side, Soviet support for the DPRK invasion unwittingly provided the justification for huge increases in United States military spending and the rearmament of West Germany and Japan. The Soviets were henceforth viewed as aggressors bent on spreading communism throughout the world, which the United States was clearly going to resist. United States Political Objectives and Strategy Prior to the outbreak of the Korean War, debate was intense as to how the United States should respond to the perception that Soviet aggression in Europe and elsewhere was on the increase. With memories of the Berlin Airlift still fresh and communist ideology seemingly in the ascendancy everywhere, US policy makers sought to determine what course the United States should follow in response to perceived Soviet aggression. A key strategy document outlined the United States response to the communist threat and was drafted in early Jan 1950 by the National Security Council (NSC). The resulting paper (NSC 68) aimed to define how the United States would respond to Soviet expansionist aims and also made predictions about the future nature of conflict between the superpowers in a bi-polar world post World War 2. While it was recognised that the main Soviet threat was most likely in Europe, NSC 68 recognised that the communist threat was global and would have to be countered. NSC 68 defined t he United States options as: Option 1: Maintain current policy; Option 2: Adopt an Isolationalist stance; Option 3: Go to war with the Soviet Union; Option 4: Fund and authorise a rapid build up of political, military and economic strength. [14] NSC 68 painted a dire picture of Soviet intentions and recommended that Option 4 was the preferred course to chart. The principal author (Paul H. Nitze) proposed radical steps, many of which were politically highly sensitive. Key recommendations were that West Germany should be rearmed as a priority and that a policy of Containment be adopted. Containment was defined as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It is one which seeks by all means short of war to (1) block further expansion of Soviet power, (2) expose the falsities of Soviet pretensions, (3) induce a retraction of the Kremlins control and influence, and (4) in general, so foster the seeds of destruction within the Soviet system that the Kremlin is brought at least to the point of modifying its behaviour to conform to generally accepted international standards [15] . President Harry S. Truman was presented with the conclusions from NSC 68 in Apr 1950. Its findings placed Truman in a dilemma; although the United States still had many more nuclear weapons than the Soviet Union, [16] the United States could not afford the increase in conventional military spending and support to European nations proposed by the paper. The United States Congress had strongly opposed increased military spending in favour of more spending within the United States. A fierce debate thus raged in the United States as to how perceived Soviet aggression should be responded to. United States policy towards the ROK was somewhat haphazard. As already mentioned, Acheson had publicly stated that the ROK was outside of the United States Defence Perimeter and relations with Rhee were often difficult given his bellicose nature and frequent outbursts about reunifying Korea by force. This prompted the US Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to press for remaining US troops to be withdrawn in order to concentrate on more important commitments elsewhere. The last US troops were withdrawn late in 1949, which again seemed to signal to Kim Il Sung and Stalin that the United States would not intervene in the event of an invasion of the ROK. Meanwhile, the debate over the implications of NSC 68 continued to rage in Washington, with those in favour of increasing military spending gaining little traction in the face of harsh budget realities. The invasion of the ROK on 25 Jun 1950 was greeted with shock in Washington and no doubt a degree of satisfaction by those that had signposted the Soviet inspired communist threat. American policy was thus immediately polarised and global US Political objectives were quickly wedded to the idea of Containment. The DPRK invasion of the ROK acted as an accelerant that ignited the United States commitment to defending what it perceived as the free nations of the world. Due to an ongoing Soviet boycott of the Untied Nations, the United States was able to secure the UNs approval for the use of force and quickly committed substantial forces in support of the United Nations Command (UNC) in order to restore ROK sovereign territory. With the support of the UN and the containment of DPRK forces at Pusan, many in the United States began to call for a more aggressive strategy to Rollback communism. The United States implemented its Rollback strategy in Korea after the successful landings at Inchon on 15 Sep 1950 had severed DPRK supply routes and seen communist forces retreat in disarray back over the 38th parallel. UN Security Council Resolutions 82 85 condemned DPRK actions and eventually gave UNC forces authority to proceed north across the 38th parallel with the express intent of removing Kim Il Sung and reunifying Korea as a nation state. What set out as an ideological stance taken in Washington to Rollback communism was thus implemented in reality i n Korea, with poor results after decisive Chinese intervention. While it will be debated later in this essay if the UNC advance precipitated Chinas entry into the conflict, it certainly was a contributory factor. The United States was justified to seek UN approval to use force to restore ROK territorial integrity; Containment was a valid political objective that justified the use of force in response to the perceived Soviet threat. The Rollback strategy was (with hindsight) unjustifiable and did not warrant the use of force in a vain attempt to unify Korea. Overall, and despite the ambiguity of its outcome, the Korean War had important implications for American foreign policy. In the short-term, the conflict globalized the policy of containment and was the impetus for vastly increased Defence spending and extensive US military deployments in Europe and elsewhere. The Korean War deepened the United States already combative relationship with the Soviet Union and effectively scuppered any possibility of cordial diplomatic relations with Communist China for twenty years. The outcome of the Korean War was satisfactory for the United States. Communist advances had been contained and the ROK preserv ed as a bulwark against communism in Asia. Korea also had a far ranging impact on US policy and the policy of containment was to be applied to South Vietnam with disastrous results. China In Apr 1949, the Chinese Civil War ended in the decisive defeat of the Chinese Nationalists. A newly unified China under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong was keen to assert much greater influence in the region and this was to be a critical factor for the duration of the Korean War. United States support for the remnants of the Chinese Nationalist regime in Taiwan continued to be a major source of friction between the United States and China and was an underlying theme that determined Chinese political and strategic objectives in the region. As a result of the United States overt support of the Nationalist regime and the lack of Chinese counters to US military strength (particularly Naval), Mao was keen to determine if there was an indirect means to confront the United States and perhaps even extract concessions over the future of the Nationalist redoubt in Taiwan. Chinas decision to enter the Korean War was determined by Chinese leaders interpretation of Chinas security interests and their judgment as to how Chinas security would be affected by entering the conflict. At this early juncture after the conclusion of the Chinese Civil War, the Chinese leadership was highly sensitive as to how Chinas stature, capability and willingness to defend its position were perceived by outsiders and particularly the West. China had suffered greatly at the hands of Great Britain and the USA and others during a prolonged period of foreign intervention in its affairs and Mao determined at an early stage that China would become involved in a Korean conflict if the situation dictated [17] . Once UN Forces crossed the 38th parallel in force and the Rollback strategy was openly advocated by the United States, the Rubicon was clearly crossed for the Chinese leadership and in particular Mao Zedong leaving them little choice but to act to defend its interests in the region. In essence, if all of Korea was occupied by UNC forces, then this would (in the eyes of the Chinese leadership) create a fatal danger to the fledgling Chinese revolution. Chinas use of force to meet its strategic objectives was fully justified in the minds of the Chinese leadership. The sanctity of the Chinese revolution appeared to be under threat once Rollback gained significant support in the UN. It can also be argued that Mao saw a fleeting opportunity for China to deal an embarrassing blow to UN Forces by committing large numbers of Chinese volunteers at a decisive moment in the campaign. By committing Chinese forces to an ideological struggle such as Korea, Maos reasoning can be assessed as sound; China would bolster its credibility within communist circles and perhaps emerge from the conflict as a beacon for other fledgling communist states so long as the west was prevented from securing success in Korea. Underlying much of Chinese strategic thought was the possibility that prolonged involvement in any Korean conflict had the potential to secure concessions from the United States over the future of Japan and crucially Taiwan. Chinese intransige nce during the later stages of the Korean War can be attributed to not wishing to terminate the conflict until a more favourable situation had been achieved by communist forces and also Stalins wish to prolong the conflict to keep the USA involved in a peripheral action. DPRK Strategy and Political Objectives DPRK strategy was relatively simple once the division of Korea became permanent. Under the shrewd leadership of Kim Il Sung, the DPRK charted a course that played the Soviet Union and China off each other in order to serve the DPRKs best interests. Once any hope of a diplomatic solution had vanished to unify Korea, Kim Il Sung determined that a narrow window of opportunity existed for the military unification of Korea. Indeed, the DPRKs invasion of the ROK perhaps provides the best example of Clausewitzs dictum à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that war is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means [18] . On 7 March 1949, while talking to Stalin in Moscow Kim Il Sung said: We believe that the situation makes it necessary and possible to liberate the whole country through military means. The Soviet leader apparently disagreed, citing the military weakness of the North, the Soviet-USA agreement on the 38th parallel division and the possibility of American intervention if the DPRK intervened militarily in the ROK. Stalin added that only if the ROK/USA attacked Pyongyang could the DPRK try military reunification by launching a counterattack. Then, the Kremlin chief explained, your move will be understood and supported by everyone. [19] On 17 January 1950, Kim Il Sung complained to the Soviet ambassador Shtykov: I cant sleep at night because I am thinking of the unification of the whole country. If the cause is postponed, then I may lose the confidence of the Korean people. Kim Il Sung apparently requested permission to make a new visit to the USSR to receive orders and permission fr om Stalin for the offensive [20] . This is a key point; for Kim Il Sung, the war was as much about maintaining popular consent for his regime as it was for unifying Korea. The DPRK was essentially justified in resorting to the use of force in its attempt to unify Korea. This is a contentious point of view, but it can be argued that as the Korean War was essentially a civil war, then once diplomatic means had been exhausted, the only way left to Sung was to exhort the Soviet Union and China to support a military endeavour to unify the Korean peninsula. It could also be argued that had the ROK not been supported by the United States, then the ideological and nationalist tensions in Korea would have played out after a period of internal wrangling. Korea would have likely emerged after the end of the Cold War as a stable, unified state that would have been open to capitalist influence (like many former Warsaw Pact states) and not the insular, paranoid autocracy that still persists. The outcomes of the Korean War essentially did not meet the primary aim of the DPRK to unify Korea, but did ensure the continued support and investment of the Soviet Union and C hina, much as the United States supported the ROK. ROK Political and Strategic objectives ROK strategy was again relatively simple. By continually agitating against the communist DPRK regime, Rhee hoped to draw the United States into a Korean Civil War in order to enable the unification of Korea by force. Many accounts of the time place the blame squarely on the DPRK for invading the ROK, but this is too simplistic. Rhee continually blustered that he would lead an ROK invasion of the DPRK to reunite Korea. On a visit with The US Secretary of State (John Foster Dulles) a reporter (William Mathews of the Arizona Daily Star) recorded that: He [Rhee] is militantly for the unification of Korea. Openly says it must be brought about soonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Rhee pleads justice of going into North country. Thinks it could succeed in a few days à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[I]f he can do it with our help, he will do it [21] . Rhee was an ardent nationalist and was clearly set on reuniting Korea by any means, so long as he had the support of the United States to do so. ROK forces were responsibl e for repeated violations of the 38th parallel and ROK initiated artillery exchanges were commonplace from Spring 1949 onwards [22] . Continued United States military support was thus at times difficult to justify in the face of pressing commitments elsewhere and the Joint Chiefs of Staff finally withdrew all but a token force of advisors in late 1949 [23] . The primary political objective of the ROK can thus be clearly identified as seeking to secure and maintain United States military, economic and political involvement in the ROK. In this, the Rhee regime was entirely successful as the Korean War precipitated massive United States military, economic and political support which extends to the present day. Indeed, the prolonged nature of the conflict served to ensure that the Korean conflict was centre stage of the Truman/Eisenhower Presidential Election. Rhee and his regime survived the war intact and the experience of the conflict had a direct influence on ROK politics for two generations with successive semi military dictatorships controlling ROK affairs. The United Nations Facing its sternest test, the United Nations had weathered a challenge, which, if unanswered, might have resulted in disaster and eventual disintegration. Under the U.N. flag, the original objective of the intervention in Korea-halting Communist aggression-had been successfully carried out and the independence of its foster child, the Republic of Korea, had been preserved. This practical demonstration of how the United Nations could function when peace was threatened greatly enhanced the prestige of the organization and established a precedent for future U.N. military action if the need should again arise. The effort had not been given unanimous support by U.N. members, it is true, but twentyone nations had contributed forces of one kind or another to sustain the U.N. decision. Although many of these countries had supplied only small token units, the mere fact that they had participated at all was encouraging, since it indicated their belief in the U.N. and their willingness to put teeth in the enforcement provisions of its charter. The Korean War marked a real departure from the dismal experience of the League of Nations in this respect. Conclusions
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Daniel Clowes Ghost World: Argumentative Comparison Essay -- Ghost Wo
Pictured on the back cover of the comic book "Ghost World," by Daniel Clowes, are the two main characters of the book in full color. This strikingly significant image, surely shrugged off by most Clowes' readers, represents worlds of diversity within the frames of the book. Sporting pink spandex pants underneath her goldfinch yellow skirt and a blue t-shirt to match perfectly, Enid seems to live her life outside the bubble. She's a very dynamic girl, especially interested in her surroundings and people around her. On the other hand, Becky is dressed like a "typical" girl, with a long black skirt and a white blouse, thus representing her conforming presence in the world. Becky is much more passive than Enid, going with the flow of things just living life. The contrasting personalities of Enid and Becky come ironically, being best friends. However, it brings out their defining qualities in the comic book while quietly calling attention to the values of life, what is real an d what is not. The title page on the second page of the book can be analyzed to show how Enid lives a different life than those on the "inside." The illustration is colored in a light hue of blue, somewhat casting a bleak and lifeless feeling. The picture shows Enid walking down the street with her hands in her pockets, back turned. Nighttime falls as the luminous moon watches down on Ghost World at dusk, casting Enid's shadow down on the sidewalk behind her. To her right is a house with window and the phrase Ghost World scrawled on the side of building. Everything in the scene is shaded and colored in a robin's egg b... ...ple, or the adorable old man who bought the pathetic flowers from the grocery store to take home to his wife. Becky doesn't notice these minute details that Enid does, nor does she care very much. In any case, they are in different worlds. Whose world is real? There's no answer to that. If it's real to them, then that's what it will be. The characters are diverse in the comic book, and it helps for the reader to not only understand the plot and distinguish between the two characters, but to show that people are naturally different, immature or mature, conforming or nonconforming. Diversity makes the world what it is, and that's as real is it can get. Work Cited Clowes, Daniel. "Ghost World" Fantagraphics (April 1, 2001)
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Common Program Models :: essays papers
Common Program Models There are various forms of year-round education. The program consists of several plans including, concept 6, multi tracks, and single tracks. These options allow schools to provide a better working environment for students. Most calendars are designed to split the school year into periods with vacation time, called intersession. One popular plan that has been proven to be successful is the concept 6 program. Concept 6 plan has been used successfully at both elementary and secondary levels. It is particularly useful when there is lack of space. It requires that students be divided into three groups, with one group always on vacation, thus releasing a considerable amount of space for instructional use. A high school built for 1,600 students can house 2,400 under a Concept 6 three-track plan. It also can be administered in a single-track pattern. The Concept 6 plan calls for six terms of approximately 43 days each. Students attend four of the six terms but must attend two of their four terms consecutively. The plan provides for 160 or more days a year. In states where 175 or more days of attendance are required, additional days can be completed by over-lapping the groups on half-day sessions the first and last day of each term, by independent study and intersession programs, or by creative off-campus group activities. In states that mandate the number of minuets per year in various subjects as a substitute for the number of days, Concept 6 can operate effectively by extending the minuets of instruction each day so that the total accumulation of minutes of instruction each day so that the total accumulation of minutes equals the minimum number of days required by the state. (Ballinger C.E, pp. 23) Standard multi-track schedules include the 60-20 and 45-15 schedule. Both of these calendars can work in the form of single track scheduling, using multi-tracks school facilities get more use because different groups are in and out of the school, allowing the school to cater to more students. There are benefits for the single track plans. Experts say that single tracks improve attendance and the students are more attentive (Rasmussen, 2000). The main difference between the two is that during single-track programs all of the students and staff follow the same calendar, where as the multi tracks have several different tracks that students and staff are divided into.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Wabash Watershed
Global warming is a resultant of Heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. The release of these gases has increased in the last 500 years since the industrial revolution. There is an expectation that global warming will result to rising sea levels, droughts, fires, heat waves, extreme storms, heavy rainfall, floods, and melting of snow and ice. These changes as envisaged would affect agriculture and general food availability with devastating consequences for existence of life on earth. In additional, life would change completely because many systems are tied to the climate.For example, temperature changes would affect breeding cycle of insect, and this has implications on pollination and food availability for humans. Although short-term weather variations are normal and expected, long-term changes are deleterious to the environment and life on earth (Houghton, 2004). There is evidence that global warming is becoming worse primarily due to rise in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmo sphere. In 1950s, the concentration of carbon dioxide was at 315 parts per million. Currently, the concentration is about 385 parts per million.To discover an increase in concentration of carbon dioxide throughout history, scientists have used bubbles of air trapped in ice and results show that the current concentration of carbon dioxide is the highest and has been, for more than 10,000 years (Maslin, 2007). Atmospheric carbon dioxide was 280 parts per million before the industrial revolution. During the ice age, concentration was only 100 parts and 300 during warm periods. Other green houses gases such as methane and nitrous oxide have increased at the same rate as carbon dioxide since then.The rising levels of carbon dioxide and vapor in the atmosphere are projected as causing wide ranging climatic changes, in the form of heavy rainfall and droughts occurring within a few years. The increasing level would flood cities and destroy infrastructure in low-lying areas. In the past, ser ious floods that used to occur once or twice in a period of 100 to 500 years are now regular occurrence. Small changes in precipitation, moisture, and local temperature will have a tremendous impact on human life due to their expected impact on food production.Since 1880s, annual mean temperature has increased, and projections based on factors in existence suggest the temperature increase will accelerate (Houghton, 2004). According to global warming theory, increase in temperature means more evaporation from the ocean. Presently, the ocean holds more than 4 percent more moisture compared to 30 years ago. This has resulted to experiencing tremendous and frequent storms. It is expected that as the temperature keep rising, the moisture in the ocean will increase, and storms will get worse.Additionally, warm air over land will either extend drought. The loss of summer ice in the arctic region has altered winter in North America and Western Europe. The melting ice adds to the sea volume that partly explains the increase in sea levels. The permanent ice that is melting in the Polar Regions is releasing methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Therefore, global warming is creating a condition for accelerated warming. Severe winter that was recorded in eastern US and northern US is related to temperature changes in the arctic region.Warm air over the arctic melts the ice that moves into the ocean, which becomes darker. Consequently, the ocean takes in more rays placing more warmth over the arctic region. This weakens the tight swirling vortex of the jet stream, which drives weather patterns in Western Europe. A weaker jet stream in 2010 dipped further south delivering storm tracks and bringing arctic air in middle air, increasing the possibility of severe winter (Houghton, 2004). That is what happened in 2010 in eastern USA and northern Europe. People contribute to the global warming phenomena by burning fossil fuel.Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide that produce s greenhouse effect over the surface of the earth; thereby, trapping more solar radiation. Additionally, when people cut down trees, the amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increase precipitously because trees and forests acts as a carbon sink. Other than burning fossil fuels and deforestation, other human activities behind global warming are industrial processes and mining, landfills, septic, water systems, fertilizer application, manure and management (Maslin, 2007).Currently in the tropics, massive deforestation is taking place. In the Amazon basin, millions of acres are cleared annually to pave the way for ranches to rear beef animals for meat export to Europe and North America. Western Europe and North America have the utmost per capita use of meat in the world. Deforestation is also carried out in order to satisfy the huge demand for timber product in Brazil, a country that is developing fast. Deforestation has gains for the country. Trees in the Amazon and Congo basin s are significant.The two largest forest basins act as the â€Å"world lungs†because they absorb excess carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels. Forests also play a critical role in reducing flooding and are a great source of hydroelectric power, which is clean. Of the hydroelectric power of the two great rivers and elsewhere in the world, the need for burning fossil fuel to produce electricity would reduce dramatically further leading to less pollution. The current environmental crisis such as global warming, water scarcity, ozone depletion, and biodiversity depletion is caused by anthropocentric perception of nature.In accordance with anthropocentric view of environment, trees are cut down in order to gratify the huge demand for tree products or to pave the way for farming or ranching. Removal of trees leaves the earth unable to absorb excess carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere through burning of biomass (Archer, 2012). As a result, increasing levels of car bon dioxide in the atmosphere is contributing to global warming and climate change. Deforestation is also causing the extinction of species.People view trees as mere resources that can only be exploited to provide building materials, avail jobs for the low-income people among other uses, totally disregarding the intrinsic value of forests or trees, which is to act as a carbon sink (Robbins and Hintz 60). As a result, this has caused massive environmental damage with global ramifications. From the data collected for the Wabash water basic, this paper consider temperature, precipitation, evapotraspiraition, moisture deficit, and surface for evidence of global warming. TemperatureAlthough data presented is not consistent, there are indications that there is an overall warming of the environment. On average, maximum temperature increased over the period, and minimum temperature increased. According to global warming theory, increase in global and local temperatures lead to increased eva poration that cause more cloud cover/fog or haze that hold more temperature increasing minimum temperature in the process. The increase in minimum temperature recorded during the 30-year period can be construed to mean the presence of global warming.In the 80s, average temperatures increased rapidly suggesting that the world was warming up rapidly. Hover, the increase slowed down in the 90s. The average daily temperature has declined in the 30 years under study. According to global warming theory, increase in greenhouse gases increases the ability of earth atmosphere to hold onto nighttime warmth more effectively than increases in mid-day temperature. The decline in average temperature range supports the view that the globe is warming. Precipitation On average, annual precipitation at the valley has increased.The precipitation rises from 39 inches to 42, which is a significant increase. The increase in precipitation is consistent with the earlier data that demonstrated an increase i n temperature. Global warming theory predicts a situation where increase in temperature leads to more water vapor due to evaporation leading to an increase in precipitation. Based on the findings that precipitation has increased in the 30 years, conclusion can be made that global warming is a reality. However, there are other facts that do not support the supposition of global warming.The global warming theory predicts that continental landmasses would receive less rainfall. Decline in temperature gradient between equatorial regions and regions removed from the centre would decline, leading to weak storm system that transports moisture from the oceans to the landmasses for precipitation. In the continental United States, the amount of precipitation should have declined as weak storm systems should have been able to transport moisture from the Gulf of Mexico. Increase in precipitation contradicts global warming theory.Additionally, draught is brought by low precipitation and high eva poration. Precipitation recorded is high. Over the period, the day where there is light precipitation has increased peaking in the 70s. The numbers of recorded days with moderate precipitation also increased. In the 80s, there are more days of moderate precipitation. This period coincided with higher temperatures suggesting that increase in temperature and evaporation was creating drought conditions. This view is also supported by the view that annual day on heavy precipitation declines over the period.The number of days with recorded heavy precipitation show great variability that is not possible to extract a visible pattern to link to the global warming. The number of days where precipitation over 0. 01 inches and above is recorded increases over the period. The increase is probably due to light precipitation days that follow the same trend. This information alone cannot absolutely indicate the presence of global warming. However, the data in itself shows that there is more moistu re in the atmosphere or evaporation and resulting condensation due to temperature increase.Evapotranspiration The rate of evapotranspiration as the data shows increase over the period and peaks in the 70s. According to global warming theory, evapotranspiration would increase in tandem with an increase in precipitation and temperature. The increase in a period of a general increase in temperature and precipitation is consistent with what would be expected as predicted by the global warming theory. Moisture deficit Moisture deficit declined suggesting that drought induced deficit should have been the case.Annual surplus moisture is recorded, and this supports the theory of global warming. Runoff There is an increase in runoff due to increased precipitation. The 5-year running means that the data seemed to run in the 2-3 year cycles of maximums and minimums, but the peaks of the cycles grew to extreme high levels. As far as we understand about the consequences of global warming, this d ata does not seem to agree them. Views Based on the data presented about the Wabash watershed, there is a strong suggestion that global warming is real.All the variables largely behave in a way people would expect in a warm environment. For example, theorists predicted that temperature would rise, and there would be a drop in the range of temperature. According to the date, temperature has increased during the period, and the difference between minimum and maximum temperature has declined. The results of the data fulfill the predictions. Despite evidence for global warming, some of the date collected from the watershed opposes what should happen in theory.For example, more droughts should have happened during the period that does not turn out to be precisely the case. However, the wild variability of key variables is a pointer to a potential problem. In a tropical region, the wide variability could have resulted to observable drought like conditions. Conclusion Global warming is a p roblem with serious consequences. The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is expected to drive the present global temperature further north. The changes in the arctic region and the ocean have implication for the weather patterns worldwide.According to the data presented for the Wabash watershed, both minimum and maximum temperatures increased during the 30-year period and the difference between them decreased. Global warming theory precisely suggests the same thing. Increase in average temperature suggests that moisture levels at land and sea would increase. As an indication, precipitation levels would increase, and more severe storms in the sea would be experienced due to high moisture levels. In the last few years, violent storms have been witnessed at sea indicating that moisture levels at the oceans are increasing.Global warming theory predicts lower precipitation levels due to the disturbance of delicate pressure balance in the tropics and regions that are not close . The global warming theory predicts that continental landmasses would receive less rainfall. Decline in temperature, gradient between equatorial regions and regions removed from the centre would decline leading to weak storm system that transport moisture from the oceans to the land masses for precipitation. Because precipitation increased at Wabash watershed for the period under review, the results do not quite agree with the theory.However, in all other respect, the behavior of the variables that were under study suggests that global warming is real. In tandem with an increase in precipitation, runoff increased. Annual surplus moisture is recorded, and this supports the theory of global warming. The implication of Wabash watershed is that in general, the earth is growing warmer, but some predictions of global warming are not turning out as expected (Archer, 2012). This could be due to some hidden variables or known variables interacting in a way that is not fully understood.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Grendel, the Outsider
To be an outsider is to be someone who does not belong to the general population of society. Someone who does not follow the same principles, morals, or ideals as the majority. Whether by choice, or by being forced out of the inner circle, anyone could potentially become an â€Å"outsider†to society. Grendel is by far the best example of an outsider in John Garders novel, Grendel. His views on life, relationship with humans, and relationship with his mother easily sets him apart from the rest of the characters in the novel. Throughout the novel, Grendel talks about his own view of life and what it means, and although everyones views of life are different, Grendels was far different from the majority of the world at the time. Grendels own view of life is that there is no real â€Å"purpose†of life, which separated him from everyone else. He never tried to find his purpose in life, so all he ever did was wander the world and observe life, and the way humans and animals interacted with eachother. In a way, Grendel made himself an outsider. He would not allow himself to be associated with humans, so his views are almost polar opposites of theirs, which in turn, made him an â€Å"outsider†. Not only did Gendels views of life make him an outsider, but the relationship he had with humans was a major part of him being separated from the majority of society. The humans thought that Grendel was a monster, so when he would come to the villages, they would all start attacking him, and attempt to drive him out. This would obviously make him an outsider, because none of the humans wanted to be around him, so he was forced to be on his own. However, after a while, Grendel began to hate the humans. He would go into Herot and kill people because he hated them so much. This widened the social gap between the humans and Gredel, making him even more so of an outsider. Grendels relationship with his mother is also a major factor in Grendel separation from society. While Grendel is an intelligent being, who is capable of speech, his mother has never been able to speak. This is a key factor in the development of Grendel. He was never taught the way â€Å"others†would have been taught. Instead of learning speach from his mother, he learned from hearing the humans talk, and slowly began to pick up on the language. He taught himself how to do most of the things that he does now, which makes him â€Å"stand out from the crowd†. Also, it is hard for him an his mother to communicate well with eachother, which could potentially make Grendel even more of an outsider, because of the lack of communication between him and his mother. Grendels views and relationships truly separate him from the rest of mainstream society. His strange and alien morals and ideals make him an outsider among the humans, and the rest of the world that he lives in. He truly is the only one of his kind.
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