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Topic Sentence For A Description Essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Triangle of Love free essay sample
Triangle of affection There was a little youngster named Esperanza and she truly loved a kid named Roberto. He spent time with the muscle heads and she was practically spending time with the savvy individuals. So one day she gave draping a shot with them in any case, she just doesn’t fit in. She changed her look so she would fit in and she did. Roberto began to see her and they would converse with one another all the more frequently. They would even have lunch together more. At that point one day Esperanza acquainted Roberto with her closest companion, Jessica. At that point he began to lose enthusiasm for Esperanza. Presently he would just home base with Esperanza just to draw nearer to Jessica. To make sure you would know Esperanza was somewhat on the desirous side. At the point when she saw Roberto embracing or in any event, conversing with Jessica she would blow up. Jessica and Roberto turned out to be something beyond companions, they were private. We will compose a custom exposition test on Triangle of Love or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page They would consistently be kissing and scouring on one another. As you definitely know Esperanza is the desirous sort, yet she would not let a person come in the middle of her and her closest companion. She would at present spend time with them yet not as frequently as she used to. Jessica would consistently inquire as to whether she approved of her going out with Roberto. In her brain she would state no, however she would consistently answer yes. Well Roberto and Jessica have been going out for about a month now and Jessica is becoming weary of Roberto. She would consistently disclose to Esperanza that he is to tenacious and that she needs space from him since he is in every case in that spot. At that point the following day she had said a final farewell to him. After that had happened he wouldnt converse with Esperanza nor Jessica. At that point he kicked over it and off conversing with them dislike they used to converse with one another. Until this day Jessicas and Esperanzas companionship was not hurt by a kid named Roberto. Esperanza converses with Roberto occasionally. Despite the fact that she doesn't care for Roberto any longer.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Keep Struggling Students Working with These Strategies
Continue Struggling Students Working with These Strategies As an instructor, there is nothing more testing than attempting to assist a battling understudy. It can turn out to be very troublesome and intermittently you are left inclination vulnerable, particularly when everything that you have attempted doesnt appear to work. Some of the time, it might appear as though the most straightforward activity is to simply offer the understudy the response and be finished with it, you do have around twenty different children to go to all things considered. Be that as it may, this isn't the appropriate response. The entirety of your understudies need you to give them the instruments to drive forward. Here are the main 10 instructing systems to enable your battling understudies to continue going. Show Students Perseverance So as to prevail with regards to anything throughout everyday life, you need to buckle down. Understudies who are battling in school have never been instructed that when hard times arise that they need to push through it and continue attempting until they get it. Take a stab at recording some spurring statements and tips on how understudies can drive forward and balance them in the study hall for anyone's viewing pleasure. Try not to Give Your Students the Answer Fight the temptation to offer your understudies the response. While this may appear the most straightforward thing to it, it isn't the sharpest. You are the instructor and you must give your understudies the devices they have to succeed. On the off chance that you simply offer them the response how are you instructing them to do it all alone? Whenever you need to spare time and simply offer your battling understudy the response, make sure to give them the instrument to do it all alone. Give Children Time to Think Whenever that you request that an understudy offer you a response take a stab at holding up an additional couple of moments and see what occurs. Studies have indicated that instructors possibly hold up about 1.5 seconds between when they ask an understudy an inquiry, and when they request that an understudy answer. In the event that lone the understudy would have additional time, would they have the option to thought of an answer? Try not to Take I Dont Know for an Answer How frequently have you heard the words I dont know since you begun instructing? Other than giving understudies more opportunity to think, additionally make them concoct an answer. At that point have them disclose how they came to find their solution. In the event that all the youngsters realize that it is a necessity in your homeroom to think of an answer, at that point you will never need to hear those feared words again. Give Students a Cheat Sheet Regularly, battling understudies make some troublesome memories recalling what is anticipated from them. To assist them with this, take a stab at giving them a cheat sheet. Have them record the bearings on a clingy note and spot it on their work areas, or make a point to consistently record everything on the board for the understudies who continually need a reference. Not exclusively will this assistance the understudies, however it will likewise discourage a ton of them from lifting their hands and asking what they need to do straightaway. Show Time Management Numerous understudies make some hard memories with time the executives. This is typically on the grounds that dealing with their time appears to be overpowering, or just in light of the fact that they have never been shown the aptitude. Have a go at helping understudies with their time the executives aptitudes by having them record their day by day calendar and how much time they think it takes them for every thing that they recorded. At that point, go over their calendar with them and talk about how much time should be spent on each assignment. This movement will enable the understudy to see how dealing with their time is fundamental with the end goal for them to prevail in school. Be Encouraging More often than not understudies that battle in the study hall, battle since they have no trust in themselves. Be empowering and consistently tell the understudy that you realize they can do it. Your consistent support might be all they have to continue on. Instruct Students to Move On At the point when a youngster stalls out on an issue or an inquiry, their first response is generally to lift their hand and request help. While this is an alright activity, it ought not be their first activity. Their first response ought to be to attempt to make sense of it all alone, at that point their doubt ought to be to ask a neighbor, and their last idea ought to be to lift their hand and ask the educator. The issue is, you need to show the understudies to do this and make it a necessity that they follow. For instance, if an understudy is stuck on a word when perusing, have them utilize the word assault methodology where they take a gander at the image for help, attempt to extend the word or piece it, or skirt the word and return to it. Understudies need to utilize the instrument of proceeding onward and attempting to make sense of it themselves before requesting help from the educator. Advance Cognitive Thinking Urge understudies to utilize their reasoning tops. This implies when you ask them an inquiry, they should set aside the effort to consider their answer. This likewise implies you as the educator need to concoct some imaginative inquiries that truly make the understudies think. Instruct Students to Slow Down Instruct understudies to take it each undertaking in turn. At times understudies will think that its simpler to finish the errand when they break it separated into littler, least difficult undertakings. When they complete the initial segment of the undertaking then they can proceed onward to the following piece of the task, etc. By taking it each errand in turn understudies will find that they will battle less.
International Businesses Actual Applications Scenarios
Question: Depict about the International Businesses for Actual Applications Scenarios. Answer: Intelligent Writing Presentation The present coursework acquainted me with explanatory reasoning, and genuine applications in the event that situations. The motivation behind this intelligent paper is to apply five moral indicative instrument results produced for my character onto contextual analyses. The Ford Pinto Case and the EastPac Bank case are utilized as the two contextual investigations. The instruments utilized are MCI score apparatus, the Values survey, the BIG 5 character stock, the Ethnocentrism scale and the Material qualities scale. An investigation of what type of choices would I have made and why I would have made it and if the consequences of diagnostics makes me change my conclusion, since I have a superior comprehension is talked about. Contextual investigation 1 - Ford Pinto Case On account of the Ford Pinto contextual investigation, disregarding following the US security and development gauges, there is a known deformity that could prompt bursting of the Pinto fuel tank and could overwhelm both consideration and tenant on fire. The re-building important to address this deformity was not done in light of the fact that it was considered costly and examination demonstrated that the re-designing cost was set at 137.5 $ million which was evaluated to be higher than that of the expense of 180 consume related passings. Contextual analysis 2-EastPac Bank EastPac bank is by and large completely privatized and subsequently is just working in high pay territories, closing down workplaces in different zones and have been laying off individuals in those branches. What's more, it utilizes the business procedure out throwing model so as to move the majority of its business procedures to nations like India and Philippines bringing about further employment misfortune inside Australia. With the cost reserve funds, the organization's CEO brings home a pay which is 10 percent higher than the following biggest Australian Bank Moral Competency Inventory The Moral competency stock MCI score scale demonstrates an arrangement of High, at 80-89 percent. There are ten fundamental abilities in the scoring (Park, Peterson, 2006; Martin Austin, 2010) which are as per the following. With regards to Acting reliably with standards, qualities and convictions, I have scored a medium as for the significance that I may provide for my standards esteems and convictions versus that of achieving my objectives. The facts confirm that working in an organization like Ford and in setting up assembling I would likewise attempt my best to know about expenses versus benefits. Expenses would be imperative to achieve my objectives, however not at the danger of hurting another person. My standards and my convictions will never permit me to hurt anyone or exploit anybody at all. So if I somehow managed to settle on the choice, at that point I would suggest the reengineering as the main choice and on the off chance that an elective dynamic was to strife with my o bjectives, at that point I would take a shot at it. Furthermore regarding coming clean, I have scored high in MCI and I have scored a medium in going to bat for what I have faith in, so all things considered, I would even leave the organization in order to push for the reengineering in Ford. The MCI scores additionally show that I would keep guarantees, concede my errors, and hold onto obligation also care about others effectively. These are certainly keeping with my character. As for my own qualities with regards to EastPac I would accept that EastPac has the option to diminish costs for the organization in order to bring wise speculations for the organization and advantage its investors. Be that as it may, sending a greater part of the employments as out sourced procedures to nations with restricted banks or nations where it doesn't have branches isn't the correct choice. Numerous Australians lose their positions and EastPac has a social duty to keep up. Furthermore, I likewise ac cept that EastPac must not close the entirety of its branches, it must have some base useful branch for clients who need it as well. Qualities poll The qualities poll endeavors to give markers of inclinations regard to various qualities (Lee et al, 2000). As far as hypothetical worth, I have scores 83, and as far as financial qualities I have scored 98 and in feel I have scored 66. As far as social, political and profound qualities I have scored 65, 63, and 47 separately. Individuals should give a great deal of significance to information, realities and certainties and from my scores it tends to be seen that I do so as well. So on account of the Ford Pinto contextual analysis, if there is set up test information to show that the Ford Pinto could bring about injury to an individual then I would not suggest assembling of the vehicle. I have scored 98 in financial aspects, which demonstrates that the accentuation is on the useful and specifically the material qualities. Monetary worries of firm must be considered however not at the hazard to ones life. So regardless of whether there is a contention, the odds are that I would rule f or information, realities and facts more than others. Accentuating connections and worries for others is reflected in the social worth (Cennamo, Gardner, 2008) A business must be to such an extent that it can associate with the general public in which it is set up and should endeavor to give back something to society too (Inglehart et al, 1998). I have scored 65 regarding social worth which is less contrasted with that of monetary worth scores. As per the scores and my own convictions too I would factor in how decrease in employments and branches and the re-appropriating influences individuals in Australia, in the bank contextual investigation. Enormous 5 character stock The Big 5 character stock is utilized by significant associations so as to endeavor to comprehend and enable their worker to comprehend their character qualities (Hayes, Joseph, 2003). My Big 5 score shows that I would be increasingly disposed to be available to encounters as my score tends towards high and not low. So also, I would be a profoundly principles individual and would be an extravert who is very pleasant and is increasingly hypochondriac. Presently being an increasingly open individual would keep me progressively open to thoughts, for example, re-appropriating as on account of the EastPac bank contextual investigation. Be that as it may, my elevated level of principles would likewise assist me with considering my alternatives cautiously. Individuals who are get realities, examine them and afterward take choices would support all partners. I accept my Big 5 character attributes as applied to contextual investigation shows that I would be adjusted in dynamic. On account of the primary contextual analysis, I would not be settling on the choice to proceed with the first assembling model. My scores show that I have a significant level of good faith, so the odds of proceeding with a disappointment model that would influence others would be low. My scores show that I am profoundly pleasant and as research on the Big 5 proposes that this implies the individual would prone to stay away from differences in the work environment or clashes (Hurtz, Donovan, 2000; Fagley, 2012). Presently this score contradicts reliability as observed from the principal contextual analysis, as the choice to include re-building would welcome resistance inside the organization. In any case, I accept, principles would win with regards to maintaining a strategic distance from clashes. Ethnocentrism scale Ethnocentrism is the assessment of societies as indicated by one's own way of life (Saffu Walker, 2005). The Gene summed up ethnocentrism scale is utilized here. In the scale it is referenced that a score more than 55 shows a significant level of ethnocentricity. For my situation the score is over 55 and thus one might say that I am profoundly ethnocentric and might will in general assess others societies and works on as indicated by my own. This is a decent characteristic, yet has its cons as well. The masters exist since I would have the option to comprehend others issues and issues as my own and this would subsequently be acceptable, anyway cons exist since I may be one-sided in my reasoning (Frenkel-Brunswik, 1948). Concerning the bank contextual analysis, my ethnocentrism ought to have worked for keeping occupations inside the nation. Along these lines I think, as indicated by my ethnocentric convictions that life is important and can't be placed into peril for the Ford Pinto co ntextual investigation. Material qualities scale Material qualities scale shows the amount of material components one is drien towards for characterizing life esteems (Richins, 1004; Burroughs, Rindfleisch, 2002). As a major aspect of the twenty to thirty year olds, the obtaining centrality score is 2.8. High obtaining centrality score shows that it is increasingly plausible for the individual to consider interest to be material things as an essential all consuming purpose. In quest for satisfaction, my score is 2.8, demonstrating a drive towards material interest once more. Presently despite the fact that this score tends towards being high I accept material securing and slaughtering a real existence can be supposed to be equivalent. So in the Ford Pinto case, I would proceed with re-building to spare lives as opposed to sell the flawed model. As far as progress definitions, the score is 2.4. I accept that I would be serious on account of the Bank study, yet seriousness would not prompt the tradeoff of qualities, there would be an equalization here. End Two contextual analyses were thought about dependent on comprehension of my character through 5 symptomatic apparatuses. Intelligent composing embraced in this coursework causes me comprehend my own character qualities as appropriate to certifiable circumstances. The five analytic devices helped in self-assessment and I had the option to learn upsides and downsides in my attribute. This course specifically helped me improve my scientific aptitudes. The quantity of in-class cases that were examined in this semester encouraged me to watch subtleties given a case situation. Things are not constantly high contrast, and in assessing a case, numerous subtleties must be given thought. I accept my systematic abilities were improved over the span of this semester. References Balabanis, G., Diamantopoulos, A., Mueller, R. D., Melewar, T. C. (2001). The effect of patriotism, nationalism and internationalism on purchaser ethnoce
Friday, August 21, 2020
5th Hour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
fifth Hour - Essay Example It was speaking to discover that Teach for America targets taking care of instructive issues related with populace assorted variety. The association would give effective pathways to administration and administration to all residents inside America. Matt Kramer introduced Team for America targets and order with enthusiasm and authority. I preferred his speech abilities. He talked fluidly and strikingly all through the meeting. His transformative abilities delineated the type of pioneers Team for America purposes to create. He facilitated his exercises effortlessly and included every current individual from Team for America in his choices. I valued the enrolling procedure Team for America received. The association enlisting process appeared to be straightforward and accommodative. The organizations’ instructors would comprise of people from various societies. Group for America would draw in late school graduates and different experts in showing programs for at least two years. Volunteers would show different teaches in provincial and urban networks all through America. Group for America would target changing understudies to accomplish their maximum capacity and form into pioneers that advocate instructive value. It was very speaking to discover that Team for America instructors would get month to month pay and advantages like government locale pay for coaches. I found out about the different advantages that exist for Valparaiso University graduates who will select to join Team for America. They would investigate various open doors including learning and acknowledging social assorted variety. Joining Team for America is a lifetime open door for taking an interest in life changing
Monday, July 20, 2020
12 Examples of Native Ads (and Why They Work)
12 Examples of Native Ads (and Why They Work) Native ads have gained a lot of popularity in the last couple of years, even overtaking display ads as the most popular form of advertising. There is a good reason behind this growth in popularity.According to HubShout, 85% of internet users don’t mind native ads because they don’t interrupt their browsing.Unless you have been living in a cave for the last decade and are reading this article on a stone tablet, you have probably come across several examples of native ads â€" even though you might not have realized it.While native ads are virtually everywhere on the internet, they are becoming harder and harder to spot.WHAT IS NATIVE ADVERTISING Native advertising can be simply described as paid content that aligns with the look, function and feel of the publication on which they appear.According to Neil Patel, native advertising is a form advertising that is so interwoven into the site on which it is being promoted that site visitors cannot tell that what they are viewing is nativ e advertising.The aim of native ads is to sell to your audience without making them feel like you are selling to them.Native ads are prevalent on social media sites and on website content. They don’t often look like ads, and it might be difficult to point them out as such. They are usually entwined with the editorial content of the site.Native ads come in the form of article, infographics, videos, and so on. They might appear as:Editorial Content: These appear the same way as the other editorial content on the site, with the only difference being that they are branded or sponsored by the advertiser.In-feed Ads: These appear as news feeds that appear on your social pages (Facebook, twitter).Search And Promoted Listings: These ads appear on your results page (at the top before your results) when you search for content.Content Recommendations: Recommended articles appear below or within the article audiences are currently reading.The thing about native ads is that they are non-disrup tive compared to display ads.They do not even require the reader to click on the ad as they browse through a website. Advertisers and brands love native advertising.This is because they increase the click-through rate and engage audiences than display advertorials do. They can also be used on a range of platforms.FROM DISPLAY TO NATIVE ADSDisplay ads are no longer working for consumers.There is a funny but popular stat in digital marketing that a person is 475 times more likely to die in a plane crash than they are to click through an ad.However hyperbolic that statement sounds, it is true that potential customers find click-through ads, banners and pop up ads totally irritating, annoying and disruptive.As a result, 80% of United States adults have turned into ad-blocking methods. 50% of these individuals have two ad-blocking software on their PCs.Another 10% are using four or more ad-blockers at the same time and can be termed as adlergic. The heaviest blockers appear to be people between eighteen to thirty-four years.Reuters also reported that at least 45% of the global population find display ads irritating and have consequently installed one ad-blocker in their PC’s and smartphones. Source: Wall Street JournalThis aversion to ads calls for an ad format that is more woven with the experience of the user, and that is where native advertising comes in.According to a report by FIPP, Native advertising accounted for 31% of the gross publishing output in 2017.That number shot to a staggering 69% for some companies in 2018. Buzzfeed, The New York Times, Cracked and Forbes are some of the companies extensively employing native advertising.Another study by eMarketer showed that companies used up to 3.5 billion dollars on native ads on the open internet in 2017. There was a forecasted 28% increase in 2018. In 2018, the numbers surpassed the projection by 28%.The same study revealed that 80% of consumers are more comfortable with native ads compared to banner ads. Native ads create a symbiotic relationship between readers, advertisers and publishers.They are rapidly becoming a friendly transaction that not only gains money for the sponsors and publishers but also extends r espect to the reader.THE CONTROVERSY WITH NATIVE ADSDespite their popularity, there is a huge controversy surrounding native advertisements.The fact that consumers are not aware that they are consuming ads â€" since the ads look like regular content â€" denies them the chance to decide whether or not they want to view the ad.This also brings into question the credibility and neutrality of the editor. If Dell has sponsored an article on Forbes, Forbes is unlikely to write anything negative about them.This has created the need for a way to notify consumers when serving them native ads. In addition to robbing consumers of the chance to decide whether to consume the ad or not and bringing into question the credibility and neutrality of the editor, there is also chance that the consumers might feel cheated or betrayed.Here they were, thinking that they were consuming an educative or entertaining piece of content, only to realize that it was a piece of advertising. If this happens, it can have a negative impact on the marketer.There are currently few guidelines and rules that stipulate the way that advertisers should conduct native ads.Consumer watchdogs like the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and the Federal Trade Commission are in the process of finding a regulative framework that ensures consumers do not fall prey to advertisers.Nevertheless, consumers should not panic because there are certain distinguishing features that can help them identify native advertising. These include:The words “promoted stories†or “suggested postâ€The words “sponsored†or “sponsorship creditâ€â€œSuggested†or “recommended†videosThe tag “Ads†on the contentBENEFITS OF NATIVE ADVERTISINGFor the few years that native advertising has existed, it has grown value for companies that team up with publishers to produce and disseminate content.Some of the benefits of native ads include:Millennials seem to trust native ads more than they do display ads.Native ads are more engaging.Native ads lead to greater sales. A recent survey showed that a third of millennials have purchased products after seeing a form of native ads.Native ads have been proven to increase the click-through rate by up to eight times.12 EXAMPLES OF NATIVE AND WHY THEY WORKEDIn this section, we will go through twelve great examples of Native adverts and point out why they worked.1. Laurel and Yanny DebateThe Laurel vs. Yanny debate was one of the biggest viral debates on the internet in 2018, and VentureBeat decided to take advantage of the viral debate to promote an Artificial Intelligence conference that was coming up.The debate was about a viral video clip that mentioned a word that some people heard as Laurel while others heard it as Yanny.The clip was posted on Reddit asking readers what they heard. Even celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres contributed to the argument with most of her studio audience saying they heard Laurel. JJ Watt also brought it up on his show and his team surprisingly heard Yanny.The dispute went on for a while and ranged on the internet for the next few days. Even researchers went to work and different professionals giving their insights on the same.Venture Beat â€" a technology news website â€" rode on this hype to promote their artificial intelligence conference. They ran an article on their website explaining how artificial intelligence had been used to solve the Laurel-Yanny debate.The article explained how the language detection algorithms of various digital assistants worked to determine what was being said in the clip, and explained some of the challenges experienced in settling the debate.The article brought up some of the challenges and limitations of algorithms, which would of course be discussed in greater detail at the Transform Conference that VentureBeat was promoting.This is a great example of native advertising because VentureBeat took a viral piece of content, created engaging content around it, and then us ed it as an opportunity to promote their conference on artificial intelligence. You can read VentureBeat’s article here.2. Woman Takes Bathroom Break After Filling Out Tax FormsThis article was written for HR Block by The Onion and published on The Onion. It was framed as a short article highlighting how the woman took a break after filling the Tax forms to unwind. You can check out the article here.The article might appear to be useless to a reader because of the aimless story but it reminds them about filling taxes.When the article came out in 2012, it was surrounded by HR banner ads and even though consumers were unlikely to click through them, it resulted in massive brand awareness.This ad worked because the story engaged audiences in an entertaining way and also reminded them of filing their task returns even though there was no clear call to action. It addressed a boring task in a fun and relatable way to the audience.Even if the article did not specifically mention HR Block , the fact that it addressed a subject that HR Block deals with, coupled with the surrounding HR Block banners helped increase awareness for the company.3. How to Transform to a Total Nerd Babe â€" GawkerThis is another great example of native advertising. The article, which was posted on Gawker and was meant to publicize the TBS show King of the Nerds, is the kind of article you would expect to find on Gawker and matches the design and editorial style of other articles on Gawker.The story points out the mindset shift on how girls who war specs can transform themselves from nerdy to sexy, and but has a clear call to action near the top of the article asking the reader to watch the show.On the article, just below the headline, one can see the word “Sponsored†which shows that it is an ad, even though the “sponsored†tag is not conspicuous from the other items on the page.4. Altran Engineering in the Financial Times This is one of the best examples of native advertisement, com bining a human interest story, video advertising, and cutting edge tech, with billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk thrown in for good measure.What distinguishes this as a piece of native advertising is the fact that the video â€" which was published in the Financial Times’ Industrial Tech section â€" was created by the Altran Engineering company and shows the same kind of content you would expect to find in the Industrial Tech section of the Financial Times.Rather than coming off across as an ad, it comes across as a news story that tells about the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition, the team of students from the Technical University in Valencia who are taking part in the competition, as well as the staff from Altran Engineering who are giving these students support in the competition.It is an entertaining video that is unlikely to be viewed as a piece of advertising, yet in actual sense it is promoting both the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition and Altran Engineering.5. Mercedes in th e Washington PostMercedes also pulled off a smooth attempt at native advertising with their “The rise of the superhuman†campaign, which was published on the Washington Post. You can view the article here.The content, which is highly engaging and designed to pique the reader’s curiosity, talks about the various technological advancements that are eradicating human error and turning us into superhumans.The article goes on to discuss these technologies, which include robotic exoskeletons, virtual and augmented reality, computer vision, and facial recognition technology.Inside the article, Mercedes manages to slip in their new Intelligent Drive System, which comes with their new Mercedes Benz E-Class series as one of these technologies that will help eradicate human error and turn us into super humans.The article is the kind of content that you would expect to find on the Washington Post, and were it not for mentioning their new Intelligent Drive System, it wouldn’t have been c lassified as an ad.Actually, most people reading through the article do not realize that it is an advertisement.To make it even more engaging and interactive, the article has quizzes and sections that the reader can click on to access more information on the subject.It’s also amazing how Mercedes manages to create a connection between the E-Class series and cutting edge, superhuman technology.6. Colored Corn on Business InsiderThe best pieces of native advertising look like stories rather than advertisements, and this is what Glass Gem Corn did with this article on the Business Insider.The story talks about a multi-colored variety of corn that took the internet by storm a couple of years ago.In a bid to find his Native American roots, the founder of Glass Gem Corn embarked on a journey to develop the colored corn.In the article, Business Insider tells his story in the same fashion it would with any other story they would publish on their website, the only difference being that thi s story is also an advertisement.In the article, Business Insider added links to a website where people could buy the seeds for the colored corn, effectively making the article a sales page hidden inside an amazing story.7. Hennessy on Vanity FairIn this ad, Vanity Fair, which is known for its trendy lifestyle journalism, teams up with Hennessy to retell the story of Malcolm Campbell, “The Fastest Man on Earth.†Campbell, who in 1935 broke the 300mph land speed record has always been a symbol of ambition, making his story a perfect opportunity to promote a top-shelf liquor.Hennessy collaborated with creative agency Droga5 to create the ad, which was then published in perfect timing with Hennessy’s “Never Stop, Never Settle†Campaign.This ad worked for a number of reasons. First, it was engaging to the audience because it was in line with Vanity’s outlook and the regular features published on the site. Second, the story itself was compelling and throbbing.In addition, the comparison between Hennessy and Campbell’s spirit of adventure is subtle yet striking, driving home the message that Hennessy unlocks your adventurous spirit. You can check out the ad here.8. Fidelity Ad on ForbesForbes putting Fidelity on their cover magazine tested the limits of native advertising. It also introduced us to another concept of native ads on Print, which is still alive and kicking.Forbes put up an ad on their actual cover which highlighted two pages of branded content and infographic in the magazine.The ad was a teaser to an infographic talking about retirement, which was the editorial theme for that month. Fidelity had paid for the infographic to appear on the two-page space they had been given which as a part of the larger agreement between the two parties.Though the ad was posted on the cover, it was in line with other teasers appearing on the cover, and Forbes asserted that the content went hand in hand with their theme and provided more information about the contents of the magazine.Funny enough, Fidelity had not paid for the cover treatment. Instead, Forbes said it was added value for the client.9. Sexually Deviant Us Presidents â€" Cracked Virgin MobileCracked is a fun-style humor magazine who have been doing native adverts since 2008. Cracked success is attributed to their approach to native advertising â€" rather than leaving content creation to the advertiser, their editorial team works together with brands to create sponsored content that will resonate with their readers.One of their greatest pieces of native advertising on Cracked Magazine is as amazing as it is crazy.The article dubbed “The 4 Most Impressively Weird Sex Lives of US Presidents†goes on to talk about the weird sexual behaviors of some former American presidents. Now, who wouldn’t want to know about the sexually deviant US presidents?Weirdly enough, the article was sponsored by Virgin Mobile, and its aim was to encourage voters to use the Virgin Mobile netwo rk to find voting stations near them.However, this information doesn’t come till the very last part of the article. This ad was a massive success, generating over 1.1 million views, 2600 likes and 710 comments.10. Washington College on BuzzFeedBuzzFeed is well known for its native advertising antics. One of their best examples of native marketing on BuzzFeed came as a collaboration between them and Washington College.Hoping to attract high school students considering which colleges to apply to, Washington College had a series of native posts published on BuzzFeed, a media site that is quite popular with the youth.The theme of these posts was “You’ll love this place.†The articles discussed various things that might interest a high school student looking for college options, while at the same time showcasing Washington College as a favorable option.Following the campaign, views on Washington College’s Facebook page increased by 77%, page views on their website grew by 94%, and over 373 applications were directly attributed to the campaign.Following the campaign, the college won the 2018 Content Marketing Award for native advertising.11. VMware on the AtlanticVMware â€" A software company â€" teamed up with The Atlantic to produce editorial content on using smart technology to help factory workers. It makes sense for such content to be produced by VMware owing to their expertise on the subject.The editorial content maintains an informed voice throughout referring to credible sources and data from actual research.It was part of an ongoing discussion they had about emerging technologies, and there are no advertisements by VMware anywhere within the article.However, the header clearly shows that the content was paid for by VMware, and the footer is distinctively marked with the VMware logo. The Atlantic goes further to assert the article does not necessarily reflect their views.The aim of the article was to create brand awareness for VMware. You can check out the article here.12. Promoted/Sponsored Social Media PostsA promoted tweet. Image courtesy of authorIf you are active on social media, especially Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you have definitely come across the promoted/sponsored posts.These posts have the same format as regular posts by your friends/followers, and they appear on your timeline the same way regular posts do.The only difference between them and regular posts is that they are usually tagged as promoted or sponsored. Without these tags, you wouldn’t tell that the posts are sponsored.Such ads have been hugely successful, and it is no wonder that every social media platform today implements some form of sponsored/promoted posts.WRAPPING UPWith internet users becoming blind to display ads, and others using ad-blockers to filter out ads, the most effective way to get your products, services, or brand in front of customers is through native ads.These are ads that match the content of the site on which they are pro moted and therefore do not interrupt the consumer’s browsing.If you haven’t been using native ads, it might be time for you to start, and to help you with that, we have shared with you 12 great examples of native ads and why they work.Now all you need to do is to go out there and replicate the same on your business.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Age Essays
Age Essays Age Essays Age essays are basically archeological papers that concentrate on Archaeological age periods. Age essays are often assigned to students to check their writing skills, understanding of class material, ability to make a research on a given topic, evaluate their knowledge of college essay writing styles, and find out the overall performance of the class. The main concerns of this type of Archaeological papers are the archaeological periods and their variations by continent and region. The list of time periods include prehistoric periods (The Stone Age, Paleolithic Age, Mesolithic Age, Neolithic Age, The Bronze Age, The Iron Age), historical periods (Ancient history, Middle Ages, Dark Age, Viking Age, etc.), mythological and astrological time periods (Astrological ages, Greek mythology, Aztec mythology, Alexandria essay), cosmological time periods (Big Bang, Formation of stars), and geologic time periods. Any of these timelines can become a subject of an assignment on Archaeology. Studen ts? who do not have an ability to attend classes due to work or personal reasons? often require professional academic writing assistance with college papers like archaeology papers and age essays. Age Essays Writing Age essays are regular college papers and follow the very same writing techniques as other essays. Firstly, create an introduction with a thesis statement that would illustrate your point of view or statement. Secondly, conduct a research on a given topic to back up your thesis and influence your reader’s point of view. Lastly, generate a conclusion to summarize your body and restate your thesis. When writing age essays, do not forget the following rules: try not to use slang words, avoid using abbreviations, never use symbols, use short words rather than a long one, cut a word out where necessary, and stick to active rather than passive. Archaeology papers, including age essays, can sometimes turn into a real problem; therefore, it is important to use the help of a professional academic writing assistance service whenever necessary.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Behavioral Addictions And Substance Abuse Addictions
In 2013, the release of the updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) added gambling disorder to the category titled Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 2013) In the previous edition of the DSM, gambling, along with other behavioral addictions were in the Impulse Control Disorders category of the DSM-III and DSM-IV (Clark, 2014). Behavioral Addictions are said to be around for hundreds of years. For example, gambling was part of daily life in ancient Greece. (Hekster, 2002). In the first edition of American Psychiatric Association in 1812, there was detailed mention of excessive sexual desire (Rush, 1812). Yet, behavioral†¦show more content†¦(Rosenberg, Curtiss, Feder, 2014) The American Psychiatric Association defines addiction as: the failure to resist an impulse, drive, or temptation to perform an act that is harmful to the person or to others (American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc; 2000. text revision (DSM-IV-TR). This definition was not limited to substance abuse addictions. Addiction is defined by Aviel Goodman as; â€Å"Addiction is a condition in which a behavior that can function both to produce pleasure and to reduce painful affects is employed in a pattern that is characterized by two key features: (1) recurrent failure to control the behavior, and (2) continuation of the behavior despite significant harmful consequences.†(Neurobiology of addiction: An integrative review 2007 pg. 270) Marc Potenza, who did a phenomenal amount of research on behavioral addictions, believes that components of addictions are found to have the following affects: continued involvement in the behavior despite adverse consequences. No or limited self-control over the behavior which leads to compulsive involvement to this behavior. And lastly, an appetite or urge to continue practicing the substance of choice. (Potenza 2006, pg 120, the neurobiology of addiction). To answer the question, what qualifies a behavior as an addiction; A behavior can qualify as an
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